Johnson City Lions Club Regular Noon Meeting Minutes (LCI No. 5093)
Date: Thursday, 9/20/2012
(16 members present – 3 guests)
The meeting was called to order at 12:32 PM by King Lion John Merriss who called on Lion Debbie Shipley to lead the pledge and Vice District Governor Ed Gibbons to ask the blessing.
Lion Tamer CB Willis called on Debbie Merritt to introduce her guests, Joseph Hollifield and Dr. James Robinson. Yours truly introduced Elizabeth Wilkerson and Vice District Governor Ed Gibbons introduced Jane Myron who officially became a member today.
Lion Tamer CB Willis announced Lion Sam Messimer won the drawing with proceeds going to the Turtle Derby.
Lion Tamer CB Willis gave an update on Kid Sight: seven children were screened this week. On October 3, 2012 a screening will take place at first Christian Church with over 100 children so we will need all the help we can get, come on out. Total this year; so far there have been over 400 screenings with 9 problem eyes.
Tail Twister Ken Gough encouraged everyone to take the trip to Roanoke on November 10, 2012. 3,200 pairs of glasses will be taken on this trip. Total 6,000-8,000 pairs have come from our club this fiscal year. Great Job!
Lion Brandon announced that Lion Stanley’s new program will help kids attend Camp Heart to Heart for people affected by HIV.
Lion Dr. Winton announced the Turtle Derby will be October 19, 2012 at 7:00 pm in Brooks Gym on the Campus of ETSU. Three weeks from tomorrow.
Lion Debbie Shipley announced the Quilt Show will be held September 30, 21012 3:00 pm at the Link Hills Country Club in Greenville, TN. Dr. Winton has sponsored 2 tables, which will hold 16 people. If the tables are full admission is $10.00. Proceeds go to the blind of Indian Creek campground.
Lion Debbie Merritt introduced our speaker Dr. James Robinson, owner of Robinson’s Animal Hospital. He gave some helpful hints about caring for elderly pets. Cancer, Kidney Failure, Hyperthyroid, Hypothyroid, and Diabetes are the most common causes of death in elderly animals, look for weight loss. The most common question is when should I have my elderly animal put to sleep? No correct answer, you as a pet owner will know when the time is right.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:05PM.
Our next regular meeting will be Thursday October 4, 2012.
All Lions are invited to the next Board Meeting on Thursday October 11, 2012.
Lion Secretary Paul Easlic