Regular meeting notes for December 20th, 2012.

Regular meeting of the Johnson City Lions Club held December 20th, 2012 at the Johnson City Country Club, Johnson City, TN 37604

(9 members and three 3 guests were present)

The meeting was called to order at 12:27 PM. VDG Lion Ed Gibbons asked the blessing and Lion George Winton led the pledge to the flag.

Lion Tamer Lion CB Willis asked VDG Ed to introduce his guests; Jennifer Snyder, Melinda Perry and Cindy Ayeas who handles all the requests for new eyeglasses.

Hall of Fame Lion, PDG Lion Dennis T. Powell received a beautiful and well deserved framed citation from the State of Tennessee signed by Senators Ron Ramsey and Rusty Crowe and presented by VDG Gibbons with some nice words of appreciation followed by a standing ovation.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:48 PM.

The next regular meeting will not be held until January 17th,  2013 at noon at the Country Club due to the Country Club being closed.


Respectfully submitted by John Merriss, President.

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