Meeting notes from the 2nd regular June meeting of the Johnson City Lions Club held June 18,2015 at the Johnson City Country Club, Johnson City, TN 37601.
(8 members present, 1 guest, 1 speaker)
The meeting was called to order at 12:26 PM by President, Lion Ken Gough.
Lion George Winton led the pledge and Lion Ed Gibbons asked for the blessing.
Lion Tom Terry’s guest was Judy Gooden. Judy works for the Crumley House and was attending as a both a friend of Tom and as part of the management team for the Crumley House
Lion Jerry Lonon announced that Lion Winton, who won the drawing, was unselfishly giving all the loot to the Turtle Derby fundraiser.
King Gough announced the eyeglasses recycling trip to Roanoke will take place on Saturday, October 10th this fall.
Lion DG Ed Gibbons volunteered to be the program chair for August.
Lion Winton is the program chair for July. There’s only two meetings scheduled for July – the board directors’ meeting on the second Thursday and the 2nd regular monthly meeting on the third Thursday. (Read this over a couple of times and you’ll figure it out.)
Speaking of DG Gibbons, he announced that the charter meeting for the brand new Lions Club in Elizabethton will be held at the Carter at Main Restaurant on E. Elk Avenue in, you guessed it, Elizabethton, TN on Saturday, July 9th at 6PM. PDG Bill Watson will be the guest speaker. DG Lion ED said this new club already has 28 members and is growing fast. Your attendance is invited and encouraged to help this club, which we are sponsoring, get off to a big start.
At long last, our newest Lion, Larry Street was officially inducted with DG, our very own DG, Lion Gibbons, presiding. Our idiot secretary forgot to bring Larry’s membership kit but will make sure he (Larry) get’s it ASAP.
New officers will be installed soon. King Lion Gough said he hopes he can get this done before his term expires on May 1, 2016.
Lion Tom Terry introduced today’s speaker, June Barrett, founder of and, along with her daughter Lori Beth Ford, inspiration for the Crumley House. The Crumley House is the only non-profit, privately operated brain injury rehabilitation center in the country.
Ms. Barrett has recently completed funding for an $800,000 wing addition to accommodate 18 more overnight guests then are currently being served at CH. Her new project is to raise funds to help families meet the financial obligations that come with dealing with this challenge. She asked us to partner with her in some way to achieve the Crumbley House’s financial challenges and ours with cooperative fundraising. King Lion Gough and DG Gibbons enthusiastically agreed to consider the opportunities of doing just that.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:58 PM.
Respectively submitted 6/19/2015
Lion John Merriss
There’s no July meeting on the 2nd. of July! (Somebody tell Lions Fox and Wilkes)
Next meeting will be the July Board Meeting, Thursday, July 9th.
Next regular meeting will be Thursday, July 16th, 2015. Bring a prospective new member or two with you.