The Regular Board meeting of the Johnson City Lions Club was called to order at 12:20 pm.

The Board Members present are:

President, Ken Gough

Immediate Past President, George Winton

1st Vice President, Steve Campbell

Projects Treasurer, Ed Gibbons

Lion Tamer, Jerry Lonon

Directors, Tom Terry, Don Raines

Tim Tapp



The reading of the minutes of the last Board of Director’s meeting was waived.

Projects Treasurer Report:  Ed Gibbons presented the financials for the Projects fund.  For the period from 12/10/15 thru 2/11/16 total income amounted to $22,526.67 and total expenses were $11,192.04.

Total cash in bank accounts amount to $34,699.43.

No report on Admin Fund was presented.

Lion Campbell reported that no members are in arrears with the dues.

A Lions Club Zone meeting will be held on March 17, 2016.  The ETSU club will be joining us at this meeting and Dr. Noland will be the speaker.

Lion Ed Gibbons reported that we have purchased a new camera for the eye screening project.  We are awaiting the training for this new camera.

King Lion asked the budget committee (Lion Ed Gibbons, Lion Debbie Shipley, and Lion Steve Campbell) to begin the process of preparing a new budget for next year 2016-2017.

Lion Steve Campbell reported that we have set a date for the Turtle Derby 2016.  The date will be October 14, 2016 at Carver Park Gym.

King Lion announced that Brian Powell has presented his paperwork for transfer from a Lions Club in Indiana.  The motion to accept was made by Lion Ed Gibbons and seconded by Lion George Winton.  The motion was approved.

King Lion read an announcement from Lions International regarding a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation grant for measles and vaccination. The board suggested this be referred to the budget committee for possible inclusion in next year’s budget.

Lions International also is sponsoring a Legacy Project.  For this next year, we are encouraged to produce visible gifts that answer a need in our community.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:10 pm.

Respectively submitted,

Lion Steve Campbell


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