Minutes from Johnson City Lions Club meeting Feb. 4, 2016

Lions Club meeting of February 4, 2016


We had a great turnout in today’s meeting at the Johnson City Country Club. Even the illustrious Lion Clem Wilkes made his quarterly showing. New Lion Tim Tapp did an excellent job of being the official Greeter of all the LIONS that attended. Even late comer Lion Billy Pike was greeted by Lion Tim.

King Lion President Ken Gough read some Thank you notes from Lion C. B. Willis and Lion Theresa Gibbons for our Club’s concern for them during their difficult times. We had two visitors that are potential members. One was a previous member that moved to Florida and now she is back and is joining. She is B. J. Narian. The other visitor is a previous Lion from another state. His name is Brian Powell and he wants to join our club. These are two great additions to our Club. Welcome! Now would be a good time to think about inviting a prospective member to join our Club. Our next meeting is February 18th.

Lion Dennis Powell mention the One Acre Café and how it has affected the community. He also mentioned we should possibly consider having a Lions Club meeting there in the near future.

Our program today was about Coalition for Kids (C4K). Executive Director Randy Hensley told about the start of it and how it has grown to its new location, which is the Tri-City Christian School on Springbrook Drive. He also brought with him the new volunteer coordinator, Cindy Young. She spoke how they are always in need of volunteers for this faith based organization. If you can, you are welcome to help them out.

We have a board of directors meeting next Thursday, the 11th. If you need to make up a meeting to get your perfect attendance pin (Clem), you are welcome.

Dates to remember: February 19-20 District 12N convention in Oak Ridge. See PDG Ed Gibbons for further details on it.

We Serve,

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