November 15th regular meeting notes

Regular meeting of the Johnson City Lions Club held November 15th, 2012 at the Johnson City Country Club, Johnson City, TN 37604

(14 members present, 1 guest present)

The meeting was called to order at 12:24 PM. VDG Lion Ed Gibbons asked the blessing and Lion CB Willis led the pledge to the flag.

Lion CB won the drawing, donating $1.65 to LCI, and then introduced Lion Anne’s guest, Lion Kay Culver.

Today’s meeting was special, due to the fact that VDG Eddy inducted new Lion Jayne Myron.  Lion Jayne will also serve as the program chair for February-April 2013.

Lion CB announced that the pecan sale is over, and the rest of the money needs to be turned in.  Once everything is accounted for, the club will have made $3,305.05.

Lion King John reported that the Roanoke Eye Glass Trip was a huge success.  With Lion Ken’s station wagon loaded down with a record number of 4,000 eyeglasses! Lions Ken and John helped the Lions of District 12-N sort some 40,000 pairs of glasses.  WOW!

The meeting was adjourned at 12:47 PM.

The next regular meeting will be December 6th, STSP.


Submitted by Lion Brandon T. Johnson, acting secretary.

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