Minutes of the Board Meeting April 2011



 A Regular Board Meeting was called to order at 12:26 p.m. on this date by King Lion Ken Gough

The Board Members who have a “P” after their names were in attendance:
Past President—C.B. Willis-

President–Lion Ken Gough-P

1st Vice President–Lion Steve Campbell-P

2nd Vice President—John Merriss -P

Projects Treasurer–Lion Eddie Gibbons-

Administrative Treasurer–Lion Debbie Shipley-P

Tail Twister–Lion Don Raines-P

Lion Tamer–Lion Sterling Winn-

Membership Director – Lion Steve Campbell-P

Special One year Director–Lion Gayle Cox-

Two year Director–Lion Ann Van Dreumel-P

Two year Director–Lion PDG John Van Dreumel-P

Others in attendance were Lions Jerry Lonon, Paul Easlic and Dr. George Winton

Minutes of Business Meeting:

1.  The minutes from the last Board meeting held March 10th  were read and approved.   

2. Administrative Treasurer, Lion Debbie Shipley: March – $1146.74 income, $1549.46 Expenses, $0 payment to project fund, (402.76) loss, and a $1655.15 checkbook balance

3. Projects Treasurer; Lion Eddie Gibbons:  expenses;  $370.00, income, $384.30 for a total monthly income of $14.30  for March 10th through April 14th with a checkbook balance of $29,094.13 and total assets of $29,094.13.

4. As required in Article VI in the Club’s constitution the secretary reported that the following active Lions have missed four consecutive meetings or more as of and including the first April regular meeting.

            James Lonon

            Steve Maddux

            Worth Peak Jr.

            Herman Rice

5. As required by Article VI in the Club’s constitution Membership Director Lion Steve Campbell reported that four Lions are  in arrears in obligations owing to the Club as of the end of the month of March:

Steve Maddux

Herman Rice

Steve Grant.

6. Committee Reports:

Public Relations: No report

Website: The web site is www.johnsoncity.tnlions.org but to get to it you’ll need to type http://johnsoncity.tnlions.org/about/ to land on the landing (home) page; it may seem obvious but it’s not good not landing on the landing page. Say cats and kittens, why not save that address as a favorite and also on your desktop?  All regular club and board meeting notes and minutes will be published there along with a lot of other cool things like Lions pics, upcoming events and maybe even some peachy recipes.    

Eyeglasses recycling:  King Lion Gough announced that 3,853 pairs of eyeglasses were taken to the Roanoke recycling center on April 2.  Please plan on attending the next work/fun day in October or November; 200 pairs of eyeglasses are already bagged and ready to go.. It wouldn’t be right for just one or two Lions hogging all the good times and they, the RRC, really do need all the help they can get. Also as a bonus you may learn something; for example on this past trip King Lion Gouge learned an awful lot of about American History, politics of the first half of the twentieth century and more than he cared to know about George Vanderbilt II.


LVBI: All the metal material for the new construction has been delivered and the new call center will go up soon. That means more local employment for sigh impaired tri-cities citizens. Lions Raines and Gough plan on posting pictures on the new JCLC Web site as work progresses.   


Membership and Retention:  No report.


Programs: Lions Lynda Gochenouer and Sparkle will be co-program chairs in May and June.

Sight Conservation:  No report 

Budget and Finance:  Lion Debbie Shipley said that all committee chairs need request any increases in their budgets by the end of April for them to be considered for the 2011-2012 budget.  

Pecans:  No report.  

Turtle Derby:  Lion Dr. George Winton reported 20 additional turtles have been purchased as reinforcements and possible future replacements but quickly added that no turtles were lost from last year’s event. These new turtles are just a little insurance. Lion Dr. Campbell said he has deposited more than $20,000.00 so far for last year’s sponsorships and will soon have a full finical report. Also, he is trying to get a Friday in mid October for this year’s TD.  

Zone Meeting:  King Lion Gough announced that five JCLC members attended the March 13th Zone meeting in Elizabethton.

Lions Signs:  King Lion Gouge said Lion Sterling Winn reported that new signs will begin going up at the Lions Park next week.

Membership and Retention: No report

New Member Training:  Chair Lion Jerry Lonon said he’s still working on an instruction packet for new members but due to a small flood at his POB progress has been held up but as soon as he dries out (the warehouse not Lion Lonon) he’ll have everything done and ready by June when our next title wave of new members are expected to hit us.

Health and Welfare:  No report.

Newcomers Outreach:  Brochures and free lunch cards are available in abundance. See the secretary if you need some. Keep a few brochures in your car and/or brief case and a few free lunch cards in your purse or wallet; be sure to print your name and phone number on the bottom of each card so that you don’t fumble around handing them out (what if you and your prospect both do not have a pen or pencil?). The new residents list is in and soon Lions will be able to call or call on (their choice) their new neighbors so they can drop off a brochure and/or free lunch card.

Nuts and Bolts Committee:  No report.

Conventions:  No report

Vision Screening:  No report.

Little League:  No report.

  1. 7.      Old Business:  Lion Campbell moved that Lion Worth Peak’s registration request effected January 1st’ 2011 be approved. The motion was seconded by Lion Rains and approved unanimously.  

All Lions business having been completed and all the food having been eaten, King Lion Gough decided to adjourn the meeting at precisely 1: 03 PM.  

NEXT REGULAR MEETING:  Thursday, April 21, 2011.

NEXT MONTHLY BOARD MEETINT:  Thursday. May 12, 2011.

           John J. Merriss

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