Johnson City Lions Club

Minutes of regular meeting 6/14/18



The regular meeting for the Johnson City Lions Club was called to order on 6/14/18 at 12:20pm by Second Vice President Lion Brian Powell.  Lion Powell called on Lion George Winton for the Pledge to the Flag.  Lion Powell gave the invocation.


Lion Brian Powell announced that the attendance drawing was won by Lion David Howard.  He donated it to the Turtle Derby.


Lion Powell reminded everyone that next week (6/21/18) will be the regular Board Meeting for June.  The future months will be back on schedule with the Board meeting on the second Thursday of each month.


Lion George Winton reported that he contacted Nebraska Scientific about the cost of live turtles.  He has the data and wants to report this to the Board of Directors next week.


Lion Don Raines announced that he has been working on the face-book page for the Lions Club.  More information on this will be forthcoming.


Lion Jerry Lonon reported the recent activities of the Ties for the Blind organization.  They will be preparing for the Lions Club Forum which will be held during September 19-23, 2018 in Columbus, Ohio.


Lion Ken Gough reported on the eyeglass recycling program.  He is preparing to take used eyeglasses to Roanoke on October 20, 2018.


Lion Brian Powell adjoured the meeting at 12:40 pm.







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