Johnson City Lions Club

Minutes of Board of Director’s meeting 6/21/18



The Board of Director’s meeting for the Johnson City Lions Club was called to order on 6/21/18 at 12:19 pm by King Lion Tim Tapp.


King Lion presented the minutes from the last Board of Director’s meeting and Lion Don Raines made the motion to approve said minutes and a second by Lion Ken Gough.  Motion approve.


The Projects Treasurer report was presented by Lion David Howard.  The financial report is attached and a motion by Ken Gough, seconded by Lion Frank Ray that the report be approved.  Lion Howard asked the board to approve adjustments of $1500 on the financial report and also an adjustment for the checkbook of $161.  Motion approved.


Lion David Howard also presented the Admin Treasurer’s report.  The financial report is attached.  A motion was made by Lion Ed Gibbons, seconded by Lion Ken Gough.  Motion approved.


King Lion Tapp read a thank you note from Ken Shipley in appreciation of the scholarship financial help from ETSU.


King Lion Tapp presented the club with a Kid Sight pin received from Lions International.  The King Lion recognized Lion Ed Gibbons for all of his work related to the Kid Sight initiative.


A discussion was held about the first meeting in July 2018.  Due to several Lions on vacation during July 5, 2018, Lion Ken Gough made the motion that we cancel the meeting on July 5th.  This was seconded by Lion Don Raines and the motion was passed.


A draft for the 2018-2019 Budget was presented by Lion Steve Campbell.  We had a discussion and corrections were made to the draft budget.  Lion Ken Gough made the motion to approve the budget with the suggested corrections; Lion Frank Ray seconded the motion.  Motion approved.


A discussion was held on the Turtle Derby.  Lion George Winton reported that the live turtles would cost $5 each for rental from Nebraska Scientific.  Lion Gayle Cox is checking on the location for this year’s Turtle Derby.  We tossed around an earlier date for the Turtle Derby due to the use of live turtles.

Lion Steve Campbell suggested that we immediately start selling turtles and he will send out the information on last year’s turtle sales for each member.


King Lion Tapp introduced the Liberty Bell Poster Project.  He recommended that Lion Ed and Lion Doris review the information and report back to the Board of Directors.


Lion David Howard made a request from Courtney Williams (employee from Tennessee Blind Industries) about the Beep Baseball Team.  Lion Don and Lion Ed will be attending a meeting with the Blind Industries, so they agreed to get more information on this request.  They will report back at the next Board of Director’s meeting.


King Lion Tapp requested volunteers for programs during July, August, and November 2018.


A motion was made from Lion Ed Gibbons regarding the dues of Lion Doris Kaifa.  After a brief discussion, Lion Don Raines made a contribution to the Lions Club that would cover her meals.


Lion Ken Gough made a request to the board for $80 to pay for materials associated with the eyeglass recycling program.  Lion Ed Gibbons seconded this request and the motion passed.


Lion Ed Gibbons made the motion to accept Judaun Alison as a new member; seconded by David Howard.  Motion Approved.



At 12:55 pm, King Lion Tapp adjourned the Board of Director’s meeting.





Lion Secretary Steve Campbell

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