The meeting was called to order at 12:24 PM by our PRESIDENT – KING LION Ken Gough. Newest Lion, Larry Street led the pledge and PDG, Lion Dennis Powell, led the prayer. There were twelve members present. There were no guests and Lion Powell won the drawing.PDG Lion Powell thanked the club for the meal Lion Debbie Shipley delivered to Mary and Dennis when Mary was recuperating from her recent hospital stay.Our speaker was District Governor Fletcher Stephens and his lovely wife Jackie. The district governor spoke about the Lions Symbol – looking back and looking forward, setting and tracking goals, new projects centered around community needs and club growth. He even got 1st VP, Lion Steve Campbell to commit to grow net club membership this year by two. DG Stephens said that he would take a pie (butterscotch, blueberry or cream) in the face at the District Convention if any club had 8 or more net new members by February. Lion Dr. Campbell not only agreed (readily agreed) but knows exactly how our club is going to win that challenge and do the honors. DG Lion Fletcher awarded PDG Ed Gibbons a very special key pin for leadership in recruiting 15 new members for FYE June 2015. The DG did not say, “Hey, if one guy as busy as Lion Ed was last year could get fifteen new members, surely the rest of you can get one each this year and double the size of this club.” No, he didn’t say that but it was surely implied in the presentation.Finally, DG Fletcher announced and encouraged attendance to the following meetings:
Multi District meeting – Club Hotel, Nashville, Friday and Saturday, November 6th and 7th
District meeting – LVBI headquarters in Morristown on Sat, November 14th
District Convention – Friday and Saturday, Feb. 19th and 20th 2016 in Oak Ridge.
Please circle these dates on your calendar or whatever gadget you use. Exact times and places will be provided in future meeting notes and reminders.King Lion Gough invited the DG to the semi-annual eyeglasses recycling trip Sat., Oct. 24th where he would not get a pie in the face lest it would be a pizza pie.
Meeting was adjourned at 12:48 PM.
Next Board Meeting will be next Thursday, August 13th, 2015 Hey, that’s next Thursday!!!!.Next regular meeting is Thursday, July 20th, 2015. Bring a prospective new member.
Respectfully submitted: John Merriss, Secretary