Johnson City Lions Club Board Meeting Notes (LCI No. 5093)
Date: Thursday, August 13, 2014
The Regular Board meeting was called to order at 12:26 PM.The Board Members who have a “P” after their names were in attendance.
Immediate PP, George Winton-P
1st V.P, Steve Campbell-
2d VP, Gayle Cox
Secretary, John Merriss-P
Projects Treas., Ed Gibbons-
Admin.. Treas., Debbie Shipley-P
President, Ken Gough-P
Tail Twister, George Winton-P
Lion Tamer: Jerry Lonon-P
1 year Dir:
2 Yr. Dir., Tom Terry-
Also present Lion Don Raines
The meeting was called to order at 12:23 pm.
Minutes of the last BOD Meeting; waved by unanimous consent.
- Administrative Treasurer: Lion Debbie Shipley: Report for July $78.51. Income, $187.50
expenses, 1368.04. Difference, $-1180.54. Checkbook Balance of $5081.18
- Projects Treasurer: No report.
- Membership: No report.
- Dues: No report.
- Committee Reports:
Eye Screenings: No report.
Eye glasses recycling: Lion Gough reported that he already has well over 1,500 pairs
of eye glasses to take to Roanoke in October.
LVBI: Lion Don Raines reported that sales are down but new mattress line is being rolled out which should help. Also, expenses have been cut and military contracts should be coming back this fall.
Turtle Derby: Official kick off will be the first regular meeting in September.
Old Business: Lion Lynda L. Gochenouer has requested that her membership be moved to affiliate memberstatus. Lion Shipley moved to accept her request. Lion Winton seconded and it was approved unanimously.
New Business: Pecans need to be ordered soon. It was agreed to ask Lion Willis when.
Special note: Lion Theresa Gibbons had new hip replacement Tuesday and it looks as if it was successful. She’ll be coming home Friday. Please keep her in your prayers.
Meeting adjourned at: 12.48 PM.
Respectfully submitted
John Merriss
/S/ ________
Next meeting August 20th. That’s next Thursday.