Meeting notes from the 2nd regular meeting of the Johnson City Lions Club for February held Thursday, February 19, 2015 at the Johnson City Country Club, Johnson City, TN 37601.
(7 members present and 1 guest)
The meeting was called to order at 12:25 PM by King Lion George Winton.
PDG Lion Dennis Powell lead the prayer Lion Jerry Lonon led the pledge (almost).
Lion CB Willis introduced PDG Lion Dennis Powell, who introduced his guest, granddaughter Mary Alice.
King George won the drawing and donated all of it to the Turtle Derby.
District Governor Lion ED Gibbons asked that every member who is in town attend the District Convention tomorrow and Saturday. Tomorrow night is casual dress for an informal get together. Registration is from 4PM to 6PM at the Carnegie Hotel. Thanks to the East TN Eye Bank, the Friday night dinner at the Carnegie at 6:30PM is free, as is the entertainment. DG Lion Ed also said he’s committed to getting started on time on Saturday (9AM) and ending on time (2PM) so anything else you need to do that day can be done while it’s still light and maybe a little warmer.
King George read two thank you letters to the club. One was from Michael Lam with the Southern College of Optometry for the $200.00 donation we made for a mission trip in May to Belize to do vision screenings and give glasses to needy citizens there. The second letter was from Captain Michael Cox with the Salvation Army thanking the club for helping with the bell ringing at Christmas.
King Winton asked that a slate of candidates be presented for nomination at the first regular meeting in March for 2015-2016. The past three presidents, Lions Winn, Merris and Campbell are on this committee with IPP Lion Winn as chair.
He, the King, also asked that the last three recipients of the Lion of the Year and Lion of the Decade Awards be identified so that they can be called on to form a committee to consider candidates for this year’s awards. DG Ed Gibbons agreed to see if he could identify those Lions.
Miss Historic Jonesborough will be contacted by the King Lion to see if she could visit the club as a speaker at the first meeting in March.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:43 PM.
Lion John Merriss
Next regular meeting is Thursday, March 5, 2015.
Next Board meeting is Thursday March 12th , 2015.