Meeting notes from the 1st regular meeting for August of the Johnson City Lions Club held Thursday, August 7 ,2014 at the Johnson City Country Club, Johnson City, TN 37604
(17 members present and 1 guest)
The meeting was called to order at 12:25 PM by King Lion George Winton.
After the prayer and pledge the secretary won the drawing and donated the money to the Turtle Derby.
DG Lion Ed Gibbons introduced his guest, Larry Street, a local contractor, who is very seriously considering membership to our excellent service organization and has an application he’ll probably turn in 8/21/2014.
District Governor Gibbons awarded King Lion George his 25 year membership chevron and letter of appreciation from LCIF’s new president. Other Lions, not in attendance, were similarly recognized and will receive their awards at a future meeting.
King George officially kicked off this year’s Turtle Derby. It will take place on Friday, October 10th at Brooks Gym. Lion Gough moved that we set a goal of 500 sponsorship sales this year. The motion was seconded by Lion Campbell and unanimously approved.
In order to accomplish this goal five teams of five JC Lions will need to sell 100 sponsorships (20 sponsorships per team member). Each team will have a team captain. Each captain will be a new Lion whose important job will be to report total turtle sponsorships to the Lion secretary by 8 PM on the first, second and third Wednesday each month. This way everyone will know how we’re doing and how close we are to hitting our goal for this the most important fundraiser of the year. Here are the teams, A,B,C,D and E. Feel free to rename your team when your team captain lets you know which team you’re on. Here are the captains:
Mike Ferguson –
Jerry Mathisen –
Lynda Gochenouer –
Ed Henley –
Tom Terry –
Teams – please cooperate with your captain; don’t make him run you down those three Wednesdays each month. That way they don’t have to bother you when you’re eating or trying to unwind from a tough day of selling turtles. Just email, text or call him/her with the number of sponsorships sold by the team.
In the next day or so I’ll send you a form to send in with the information you need to provide for each sale. Send that information to Steve Campbell – by September 8th.
If your captain doesn’t hear from you by 6PM on the first three Wednesday nights by email, text or telephone they have been instructed to visit your home and stand outside and call you out by name with a bull horn for your report.
It’s easy to report too! Example: Send this email those Wednesday’s with this report. “Hi Lynda, I’ve sold a total of 15 turtles so far.” All you have to change each time is the number of sponsorships sold. That number should get bigger with each report. Please report before 6PM.
Captains – I’ll send you your team members tomorrow. Please send me your totals for the team (i.e. “we’ve sold 36 so far”). That way Lion Gough won’t have to run you down.
As you can see, this will be a team effort – we must all get out of the wagon and pull hard for four weeks.
PDG Lion Dennis Powell introduced our speakers today, Messrs. Page and Fox, executives with the Sequoyah Council of the Boy Scouts of America who brought all those present up to date on the great things the Scouts are doing all over America. It was good to see most of the Lions in attendance were former scouts You’ll be happy to know that this two excellent speakers volunteered to buy a turtle or two before they left. Lion Dennis said he would take care of that and we all know he will.
Meeting adjourned at 12:59 PM
Lion John Merriss