Johnson City Lions Club Board Meeting Notes (LCI No. 5093)
Date: Thursday, August 14, 2014
The Regular Board Meeting was called to order at 12:24 PM.
The Board Members who have a “P” after their names were in attendance.
PDG Dennis Powell
President George Winton-
Immediate Past President Sterling Winn –
1st Vice-President Ken Gough – P
2nd Vice President Steve Campbell – P
3rd Vice President Gayle Cox – P
Projects Treasurer Ed Gibbons- P
Administrative Treasurer Debbie Shipley-
Tail Twister Mike Ferguson-
Lion Tamer Theresa Gibbons –
Secretary John Merriss – P
2 Year Director Lynda Gochenouer- P
Special Two Year Director Tom Terry-
Also present were Lions Don Raines and Jerry Lonon
Due to the absence of Pres. George Winton, 1st VP Ken Gough acted as chairman.
1. Minutes of the last BOD Meeting: Without objection, reading of the meeting notes from the last BOD meeting was waived.
2. Administrative Treasurer’s report by Lion Debbie Shipley, presented by Ed Gibbons: Total income July, 2014 $681.35; Total expense $1200.15; Difference $518.80
3. Projects Treasurer’s report by Lion Ed Gibbons: from 7/10/2014 to 8/14/2014 – Income, $1357.69; expenses, $2886.00; Difference -$1528.31.00. Total Liabilities none; Savings $24,956.84
4. Membership: The following Lions have missed 4 or more consecutive regular meetings – Mark Fox and Jane Myron
5. Dues: No members are past due.
6. Committee Reports:
Eyeglass Recycling: Ken Gough asked for member participation in the fall recycling trip October 18, 2014.
Sight Conservation: No report.
KidSight Eye Screenings: Lion Sterling Winn recommended that we be ready to purchase the “Spot” camera in case Lions Willis and Powell work out something with the city to do screenings for the city schools’ kindergarteners. If not, the camera we’re using now will be sufficient without further investment except for maintenance. 6 screenings were scheduled for August; 2 have been completed with 4 remaining.
Turtle Derby: Steve Campbell reported that ETSU’s Brooks Gym will not be available this year, and that we have been offered the Minidome instead. It might be advisable to find a more-suitable location. Lion Winn moved and Lion Merriss seconded a proposal to allow Steve Campbell find and contract for the venue for this year’s Derby, and, if necessary, to change date. The motion passed unanimously. It was suggested that we use last year’s posters and do our own printing of the race forms to save money.
7. Old Business: Habitat for Humanity house for blind couple. DG Gibbons reported that a contractor whom he expects to join the club soon has expressed an interest in running the project. However, Lion Gibbons suggested that before committing we need to find out what the project will cost. He reported that, recently, it had unexpectedly cost a Knoxville club more than $8,000.00 in addition to a $25,000.00 grant through LCIF to build a house. Lion Lynda Gochenouer agreed to contact Art Pierce at Habitat for Humanity and the Knoxville club to determine the potential cost to our club, and report at the next regular meeting on Aug. 21.
ETSU Center for the Performing Arts – Pursuant to a motion passed at the last Board meeting, Chairman Gough directed that a sign-up sheet be passed around at the next regular meeting next Thursday for INDIVIDUAL contributions for the building of a Center for the Performing Arts at ETSU. PDG Powell will be asked to speak briefly on why our help is being solicited and why we should help on an individual basis.
8. New Business – Chairman Gough presented a request from Brandon Johnson of the ETSU Lions Club for $2,000 to pay members’ international dues of $25/member/year, and fund the club’s projects. During discussion the Board deemed it was appropriate to cover dues this year in order to support this newly-established club. However, its members should raise the money for its projects with help from our club on a case-by-case basis, and be weaned off our support in the long run. Lion Sterling Winn moved, seconded by Lion Campbell, that the club pay the ETSU club members’ international dues for the current fiscal year up to a maximum of $1,000.00, and consider providing seed money for fundraising projects as requested and justified. The motion was approved unanimously. Also discussed but not acted on was that next year the Johnson City club continue to support the Campus Club by paying ½ of the then annual dues.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:57 PM.
Next Regular Meeting: Thursday, August 21, 2014.
Next Board Meeting: Thursday, September 18, 2014
John Merriss