Meeting notes from the 1st regular meeting of the Johnson City Lions Club for April held Thursday, April 2, 2015 at the Johnson City Country Club, Johnson City, TN 37601.
(11 members, 1 speaker and 1 guest present)
The meeting was called to order at 12:27 PM by President Lion George Winton.
Lion Ken Gough led the pledge and PDG Lion Dennis Powell asked the blessing.
Lion CB Willis announced that the drawing was held and Lion Don Raines won the money and donated it to the Turtle Derby.
Lion Gough announced that on the upcoming spring RERT (Roanoke Eyeglasses Recycling Trip) on Saturday, April 11, glasses ready for distribution will be collected and brought back to Johnson City and given to Judaun Allison for her upcoming Mission trip to Uganda in May.
King Lion Winton asked President Elect Lion Gough to see if $200.00 could be found in the current budget or by a special fundraising effort to buy eyeglass kits that Dr. Allison could use on her mission trip for patients who cannot use the glasses she will be provided from the Roanoke trip.
Lion King Winton announced that Lion Tom Terry would be his designated voting representative at the LVBI Board of Directors Meeting to be held on Saturday, April 25, 2015. Lion Tom has agreed to attend the meeting and vote as King George’s rep.
Our speaker today was an old friend of the Johnson City Lions Club and the community, Alan Bridwell. His service in local government in various capacities, for the Chamber of Commerce and as the creator of is legendary and his knowledge of Washington, Carter and Unicoi counties is encyclopedic. Alan’s presentation about the History of JC with many wonderful photographs was both entertaining and amazing. As always Lion CB Willis introduced Alan and his wife, Donna, with great humor and warmth.
Lion John Merriss
Next regular meeting is Thursday, April 16, 2015.
Next Board Meeting will be next Thursday, April 9, 2015.