The Johnson City Lion’s Club hosted a District 12 Zone Meeting on March 17, 2016 at the Johnson City Country Club.  The clubs in attendance included: Johnson City Lions (12 present), Elizabethton (5 present), ETSU (13 present), Kingsport (6 present) and Greeneville (2 present) for a total of 38 Lions.

In addition to the Lion’s from these clubs we were honored to have Dr. Brian Nolan, President of East Tennessee State University and Lion’s Club International Director Jerome Thompson.

The meeting was called to order at 12 noon by King Lion Ken Gough who recognized 2nd Vice District Governor Elect Brandon Johnson.  Lion Tim Tapp was called on for prayer followed by Lion C.B. Willis leading in the pledge to the flag.

2VDGE Johnson recognized PDG Ed Gibbons, PDG Bob Miller, FVDGE Adam Bowling and RC Edna Longwell.

It should be noted that Lion Tamer George Winton paid everyone’s fines for them today and that amount came to $9.00.  We also found 24 cents at one table so that amount will be added to the fines collected.  Thank You Lion George for your gracious donation.

King Lion Ken Gough brought up local club business by reminding everyone of the Eyeglass Recycle Trip to Roanoke in April.  Volunteers are still being accepted with several indicating that they are planning to go.  The Johnson City Club will have elections at the first meeting in April.  Lion Steve Campbell presented the nominating committee report which is as follows:

President- Steve Campbell, IMPP Ken Gough, 1 VP- Gayle Cox, 2 VP-Jerry Lonon, 3 VP-Debbie Shipley, Secretary Tim Tapp, Projects Treasurer- Ed Gibbons, Admin Treas- Debbie Shipley, Tail Twister Don Raines, Lion Tamer Bryan Powell, Director Tom Terry, Director George Winton, and Director Jerry Lonon.

At this point the floor was opened for nominations.  PDG Ed Gibbons moved that motions cease and there were several to second the motion.  All were in favor except for Lion Clem Wilkes.  It was noted that this is the “worst slate of officers in the history of the club.”  J

2VDGE Brandon Johnson introduced Dr. Bryan Nolan by talking about the new energy that Dr. Nolan has brought to ETSU and his personal interaction with students.  Dr. Nolan talked about the purpose and mission of ETSU as being one of improving the quality of life for people of this region.  It is a mission that has not changed since Dr. Sidney Gilbreath expressed the same desire in the beginning of the institution.  ETSU seeks to bring together the Tri Cities as it improves life in the region.  He spent the remainder of his time talking about the academic strength and integrity found at ETSU and discussed statistics favorable to the university.  He also discussed the partnership with Northeast State and talked about the athletic programs (especially basketball).    The two most exciting things in the future that will impact ETSU favorably would be a merger between MSHA and Wellmont and the development of the new Performing Arts Center.  He thanked the Lion’s Club for participation in volunteerism.  King Lion Ken Gough presented Dr. Nolan with a Zone 1, District L Tennessee Lion’s paperweight.

International Director Jerome Thompson spoke about how Lions need to be people who “sell dreams” and discussed the past and future of Lionism.  He presented a Certificate of Appreciation from the International President to PDG Ed Gibbons for positive membership growth and service to the community, among other things.  He also inducted four new members into the ETSU club.

King Lion Ken Gough presented ID Thompson with a Tennessee Lion’s Shirt and 2VDGE Johnson presented him with an ETSU hat and lapel pin.  A lapel pin was also presented to Dr. Nolan.


With no further business to come before the club, King Lion Ken Gough mentioned that he appreciated the attendance and adjourned the meeting.

Johnson City Lions In Attendance were : Ken Gough, Don Raines, Tom Terry, Ed Gibbons, Gayle Cox, Larry Street, C.B. Willis,  Clem Wilkes, George Winton, Steve Campbell, Jerry Lonon, and Tim Tapp.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lion Tim Tapp – Acting Secretary

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