The Johnson City Lion’s Club Board Meeting was held on December 12, 2019 at the JC Country Club.
Those in attendance were Brian Powell, Ken Gough, Steve Campbell, George Winton, Ed Gibbons, Dennis Powell, Jerry Lonon, Debbie Shipley and Tim Tapp.
The meeting was called to order by President Debbie Shipley and she opened with a reminder that we will be taking up money for our annual gift to Darlene, our waitress.
President Shipley also reminded us that we will be having a guest speaker from 2nd Harvest Food Bank next week. A motion was made that we donate 250.00 to 2nd Harvest for Diabetic Food Boxes. The club voted last week. This vote has to be confirmed by the board. The motion was made for the approval by Ken Gough with a second by Ed Gibbons. The motion carried.
A motion was made by Ken Gough that we cancel the February board meeting in order to use that money for the Valentine’s Banquet. A second to the motion was provided by Steve Campbell. All were in favor and the motion carried.
A motion was made by Ed Gibbons to accept the resignations of Frank Ray and Tom Terry from membership. A second was provided by Steve Campbell. All were in favor.
It was mentioned that C.B. Willis has broken his hip and is unable to get around without the aid of a wheelchair. President Shipley encouraged the club to go visit with C.B. after next week’s club meeting.
Ed Gibbons mentioned that we have fulfilled 126 Eyeglass applications since July. He made a motion to buy a printer for the new camera at a cost of 238.45. A second was provided by Ken Gough and all were in favor. The new camera will be used by ETSU Lion’s Club on January 17 as they do vision screening at Ashley Academy.
Ken Gough shared the financial report with 6,088.60 in the Admin Fund and 17,973.88 in the projects fund. Ed made a motion to accept the financial reports and Steve provided a second. All were in favor.
The subject of the dues structure was discussed again. After much discussion, Ken Gough made a motion to table the discussion until the next meeting. All were in agreement.
With no further business to come before the board, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tim Tapp – Secretary.