Johnson City Lions Club Board Meeting Notes (LCI No. 5093)
Date: Thursday, December 11, 2014
The Regular Board Meeting was called to order at 12:29 PM.
The Board Members who have a “P” after their names were in attendance.
PDG Dennis Powell
President George Winton-P
Immediate Past President Sterling Winn – P
1st Vice-President Ken Gough – P
2nd Vice President Steve Campbell -P
3rd Vice President Gayle Cox –
Projects Treasurer Ed Gibbons- P
Administrative Treasurer Debbie Shipley-P
Tail Twister Mike Ferguson-
Lion Tamer Theresa Gibbons –
Secretary John Merriss – P
2 Year Director Lynda Gochenouer-
Special Two Year Director Terry Thomas-
Also present, Lions Jerry Lonon and Sam Messimer
Minutes of the last BOD Meeting: The minutes for November, 2014 were read. Lion Gough moved that they be accepted. Lion Cambell seconded the motion and they were approved by voice vote.
Administrative Treasurer: Lion Debbie Shipley: Report for November; Income $404.00. Expenses $590.16 Loss $186.16 Checkbook Balance $4621.76
Projects Treasurer: Lion Ed Gibbons: from 11/13/2014 to 12/11/2014 – Income, $13,039.59, expenses, $2397.06. Loss $-1317.07. Total Liabilities & Equity $10,642.53.
Lion Gough moved to accept both treasurers’ reports as submitted. Seconded by Lion Campbell the motion carried by unanimous voice vote
Membership: No report.
Dues: No report.
Recycling: No report
Sight Conservation: DG Lion Gibbons ask for $250.00 be donted for cataract surgery needed for a 23 year old indigent lady who applied for help with her eyes. Lion Campbell moved that the donation be made. Seconded by Lion Gough. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote
Eye Screenings: No report.
Pecans: King Lion George asked that anyone who still has nuts let him know; he’s doesn’t have nuts anymore but he does have potential customers with a need for nuts.
Christmas Benevolence: A check for $250.00 will be given to God’s Corner as agreed at our regular meeting last week.
Turtle Derby: So far about 1/3 of the money from the TD has been collected ($6350.00) Expect another $12,000.00 for this year’s race.
Lion Winn again suggested we use the Carver Center next year for all the reasons stated at the last board meeting and then some. It was agreed to discuss this seriously at the next board meeting so the proper posters and tickets can be agreed on and so we can get a favorable race date for 2015.
Lion Winton said that he will get with the Salvation Army to set Bell Ringing assignments.
New Business: As reported by lion Gough, PDG Chuck Bailey has expressed interest in helping us start a diabetes awareness campaign in the coming year(s). Lion Winton asked Lion Gough to talk further with Lion Bailey about what we would need to do get this started. Very little money would be needed but we might need a nurse.
Old Business: As soon as we receive Lion CB’s plaque for his award as one of the newest members (2014-2015 – inducted in November) to the Tennessee Lions Hall of Fame, DG Gibbons will notify LCIF that the $1,000.00 Melvin Jones award donation we voted for be made in Lion Willis’ name. Also, once we have said plaque, we will make arrangements to celebrate with Lion and Mrs. Willis; a singular festivity for this much deserved recognition and high honor.
Meeting adjourned at: 12.56 PM.
Next Regular Meeting: Thursday, December 18th, 2014.
Next Board Meeting: TBA
John Merriss