Meeting notes from the 1st regular monthly meeting of the Johnson City Lions Club for DECEMBER held Thursday, Dec. 3rd at the Johnson City Country Club, Johnson City, TN 37601.

Meeting notes from the 1st  regular monthly meeting of the Johnson City Lions Club for DECEMBER held Thursday, Dec. 3rd at the Johnson City Country Club, Johnson City, TN 37601.

(12 members and one guest were present)

The meeting was called to order at 12:21 PM by our PRESIDENT – KING LION Ken Gough.

2nd VP, Lion Gayle Cox led the pledge and PDG, Lion Ed Gibbons led the prayer.

Lion Gibbons won the drawing and gave the money to the Pecan Sale.

King Lion Gough announced that Reverend Tim Tapp’s application has been approved by the Board of Directors and he will be inducted at the 2nd regular meeting on 12/17. Reverend Tapp is the pastor of the First Baptist Church in Johnson City and was sponsored by PDG, Dennis Powell. Please attend this last 2015 meeting and bring a guest or two.


King Lion Gough announced that he sent a check for $215.00 to ETSU Foundation to apply toward our JCLC Scholarship in a memorial contribution to our late, great, Lion Waymond Mumpower.


King Lion Gough announced the schedule for January, 2016:


First Thursday in January                    No meeting (first Jan. meeting canceled)

Jan 14, 2016                                        Board of Directors meeting

Jan 21, 2016                                        2nd Regular Jan. meeting

Renowned Lion CB Willis introduced our speakers today, Michael Manuel and Larry C. Timbs, Jr. who have written a book about a place that existed near Butler and Elizabethton before both towns went under water in the forties. The title of their book is Fish Springs, Beneath the Surface. This book answers the question, “Could someone commit murder with a rattlesnake?” Go to for the answer or at least how you get the answer. Thanks Lion Willis for two great speakers.

Don’t forget these important upcoming events:


Next Board Meeting will be next Thursday, December 10th, 2015.


Next regular meeting is Thursday, December 17th, 2015. Bring a prospective new member.



District Convention  – Friday and Saturday, Feb. 19th and 20th 2016 in Oak Ridge.


Respectively submitted 12/3/2015

Lion John Merriss




The meeting adjourned at 12:58

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