Members present: Jerry Lonon, Don Raines, Gayle Cox, Ken Gough, Steve Campbell, Tim Tapp, Brian Powell, Ed Gibbons, George Winton
The Board of Director’s meeting for the Johnson City Lions Club was called to order on 12/13/18 at 12:16 pm by King Lion Tim Tapp. King Lion Tim presented the minutes from the last Board of Director’s meeting and Lion Ken Gough made the motion to approve said minutes and a second by Lion George Winton. Motion approved.
King Lion called on the treasurer’s reports. There was no Admin Treasurer’s report. Lion David Howard presented the Projects Treasurer’s report . Lion Ken Gough made the motion to approve the Projects Treasurer’s report, seconded by Lion Ed Gibbons and the motion was approved.
King Lion informed the Board that the JC Country Club will be closed the first two weeks of January 2019. Our first meeting will be the third week in January 2019 (1/17/19).
A discussion was held regarding the Valentine’s dinner in February 2019. Lion Ken Gough made the motion to pay for the party out of our Administrative funds. The motion was seconded by Lion George Winton and the motion was approved.
King Lion reminded the board about the Campaign 100 that was announced by Ron Rhine at a previous meeting. The model is to have each club member to make a donation to this campaign. Lion Ed Gibbons suggested that we may encourage our members, but we should not require this. Our club is currently sending LCIF and White Cane Day $1,000 each.
King Lion adjourned the meeting at 12:55pm.