Meeting notes from the regular meeting of the Johnson City Lions Club held Thursday, October 16, 2014 at the Johnson City Country Club, Johnson City, TN 37604
(13 members present and 4 guests)
The meeting was called to order at 12:24 PM by King Lion, George Winton.
After the prayer and the pledge we were underway.
Nobody won the drawing and gave it all to the Turtle Derby.
Lion Gough announced that he has more than 2500 pairs of glasses to carry to the Recycling Center on November the 1st. He asked that if you have glasses he can take please call him (571-1470- c or 928-8134- w) to arrange to drop them off at his POB (no, not post office box – place of business).
Allison Thigpen and Lee Eniss with the Commission on Aging (why us?) visited the club to announce a forum on aging being held this Saturday (the 18th) at NE State Campus at 8:30 AM. entitled “Tennessee for a Lifetime”. It’s all about open enrollment for Medicare and Medicare benefits.
Everything is about ready for the Turtle Derby; we have a bike, we have door prizes, we have fired-up/ wired-up turtles and we have publicity. About the only thing we don’t have is enough sponsorships (please read the email sent earlier today), so turn on the gas Lions and finish up the job so we can accomplish our mission this year.
Our speaker today was Lion Ron Riehn from the West Knoxville Club assisted by Lion Amy Barton, secretary from the same club. Ron, a former commissioner for LCIF played two entertaining DVDs about being open to new ideas and role LCIF plays in supporting us.
Meeting adjourned at 1:00 PM
Lion John Merriss
Remember – sell Turtles. We only have 2.5 weeks left and still need 250 sales sales!!!!!
Next regular meeting November 6th (the day of the Turtle Derby)
Next Board meeting, Thursday, November 13th.