Johnson City Lions Club regular noon meeting notes. (LCI No. 5093)
Date: Thursday, 6/7/2012
(16 members present – 1 guest)
The meeting was called to order at 12:30 PM by President, John Merriss who called on Lion Debbie Merritt to lead the pledge and Vice District Governor Ed Gibbons to ask the blessing.
Program Chairs are listed below:
Lion Debbie Merritt: July-August
Lion Sam Messimer: September-October
Lion Debbie Shipley: November-December
Lion Debbie Shipley graciously volunteered to take meeting notes on July 5th in my absence. THANKS!!!
Lion Buffalo won the drawing with proceeds going to pecan sales.
King Lion Merriss read a thank you card from Rebecca Cooper. He also updated everyone on Kids Sight. The next screening will be at Central Baptist Church.
Lion Debbie Shipley announced she received a thank you note from Mary Powell.
Lion Ken Gough will ride his bike in the American Diabetes Association “Tour for a Cure”. He thanked the club for their participation in this fundraiser.
Vice District Governor Ed Gibbons announced we raised $70.00 dollars selling stickers at the Blue Plum.
Lion Senator Rusty Crowe gave an update on the climate in Nashville.
Lion Steve Campbell passed out the proposed 2012-2013 budget. Everyone look over it, so we can approve at the next meeting, it’s the same as last year.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:05 PM.
All Lions are invited to the next Board Meeting on June 14, 2012.
Our next regular meeting will be Thursday June 21, 2012.
– Lion Secretary Paul Easlic