May 17th, 2012 meeting

Johnson City Lions Club regular noon meeting notes.  (LCI No. 5093)
Date: Thursday, 05/17/2012

Blessing by Lion Ed Gibbons

Pledge by Lion Ginny Baumgardner

Number of attendees 18

Announcement about the Car Show this Saturday, May 9th at the School for the Deaf in Knoxville.

Blue Plum dates June 1st and June 2nd, Friday hours 1:00 pm till 10:00 pm and Saturday 10:00 am till 10:00 pm.  Volunteer hours List is being circulated.

Brochures will be available to pass out for membership invites for Lunch.  Insurance Women of Johnson City have volunteered to help us with our table.  Lions will be collecting one dollar for a Blue Plum decal.  Lions Club will be able to share in the profits of the decal money collection.  Please let Lion Ed Gibbons know what hours that you can volunteer.

Please review Roster for changes and corrections.  Let Lion John Merriss know if changes are needed.

Lion Ken Gough made an announcement that the Johnson City Lions Club collected about 4,000 to 5,000 used eye glasses each year.  Our sister club in Kingsport collects about 3,000 per year.  Way to go Ken and his Johnson City Team.

Lion Ken also announced that he would be riding in the Knoxville Tour de Cure for the Diabetes Foundation.  Lion Ken needs sponsorship donations.  He will be sending an email for your support.  Please support Ken with funds for the CURE of Diabetes.

Don Raines will be picking up a loaner camera at the LVBI Board Meeting tomorrow.  Our new camera is not working.  Lion John Merriss is working on getting it fixed or getting a replacement.

Meeting adjourned at 1:00 pm.

Debbie Shipley


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