Johnson City Lions Club Board Meeting Minutes June 10, 2021

The Johnson City, Lion club met for its Broad meeting on Thursday June 10, 2021 at 12 noon at the Johnson City Country Club.  Present at the meeting were Lion Debbie Shipley (President), Lion Ken Gough, Lion George Winton, Lion Ed Gibbons, and Lion Doris Kaifa (Secretary).

The meeting was called to order by President Debbie Shipley.

Committee and Project Report:

The President asked for committee and project reports. Lion Ken Gough (Treasurer) presented the budget report. The budget was voted upon and accepted by the Broad. Lion Ed Gibbons and Lion George Winton seconded the motion.

The president thanked the club for the $250 grant money received from the district which was donation to the Good Samaritan Ministries for its Celebrate Life Yaun Mission event on June 5th.

The president asked Lion Doris to give an update of the event. Lion Doris thank the club for its financial support and describe the success of the event with some heartfelt pictures.

President Debbie asked the Board for approval to purchase a banner for the New Erwin’s Lion Club. The motion was approved by Lion Ed Gibbon and seconded by Lion George Winton.

With no further business for discussion, the meeting was adjourned by President Debbie Shipley.

At your service,

Doris Kaifa-Secretary

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