The Johnson City Lion Club met for its regular meeting on Thursday January 21st, 2021 at 12 noon at the Johnson City Country Club. Present at the meeting were Lion Debbie Shipley (President), Lion Ed Gibbons and guest Chaitra, Lion Jerry Lonon, Lion George Winton and Lion Doris Kaifa (Secretary).
The meeting was called to order by President Debbie Shipley. Lion Ed Gibbons led the opening prayer. Prayer was offered for sick members Lion Judy Vanlandingham, Lion Don Raines, Lion Ken Gough, Lion Dennis Powell and all members.
Lion George Winton won the drawing. He donated the money to the Turtle Derby.
President Debbie read a Christmas card from Lion Judy. She thanked everyone for their prayers.
The president asked the club to encourage new members to join as things starts to improve to increase our membership.
President Debbie talked about a new Lion Club to start soon in Erwin. She asked members to help mentor the new coming club in Erwin.
Lion Doris Kaifa read a letter from LCIF Campaign 100.
President Debbie thanked Lion Ed for helping to get the Erwin Club started. She thanked Lion George for setting up the Salvation Army Bell Ringing during the holiday. She also thanked Lion Doris for all her work as secretary.
The club assisted the ETSU CLUB with their dues.
President Debbie suggested that we have a 12 noon and an evening meeting to give everyone chance to attend the meetings.
Lion Ed mentioned that the Vision Van will be in Johnson City on May 22nd for eye screening.
The president announced that Board meeting will be next week, Thursday, January 28th. Next regular meeting will be February 4th, 2021.
Other Business:
With no further business for discussion, the meeting was adjourned by President Debbie Shipley.
At your Service,
Doris Kaifa-Secretary