The Johnson City Lions Club met for its Board meeting on Thursday December 10th, 2020 at 12 noon at the Johnson City Country Club. Present at the meeting were Lion Brian Powell (President), Lion Ken Gough, Lion Jerry Lonon, Lion George Winton, Lion Ed Gibbons, Lion Debbie Shipley and Lion Doris Kaifa (Secretary).
The meeting was called to order by President Brian Powell. He asked the Board for affirmation of the past minutes. The minutes of past meetings which included the November 12th, 2020 Board meeting minutes and the December 3th, 2020 regular meeting were voted upon by the Board and affirmed.
Committee and Project Report:
The President asked for committee and project reports. Lion Ken Gough (Treasurer) presented the budget reports. The report was voted upon and accepted by the board.
President Powell read a Christmas card from District governor Mildred Burke to the club.
President Powell also read a certificate from Governor Millie thanking the club for participation in the Inasmuch Food Distribution.
Lion Debbie give a report on the Food Service project held on December 8th, 2020. She brought back 30 cases of food and distributed it to seven (7) different clubs in the surrounding areas.
Lion Doris Kaifa will be distributing the club food through the Good Samaritan Ministries.
President Powell thanked Lion Debbie Shipley for participating in the Inasmuch Food Distribution project.
Lion George give an update on the Turtle Derby. He stated that he is still collecting money.
Lion Ken reported that he is still collecting eyeglasses.
Old Business:
There was no old business for discussion.
New Business:
Salvation Army Bell-Ringing for Christmas is this Thursday December 17 and Friday December 18 at Belk Men’s Upper Level in Johnson City.
Lion Ed Gibbon made a recommendation to the broad that Lion Debbie Shipley acts as president till the end of President Brian Powell’s term. This was President Powell’s last meeting with the club.
A motion was made by Lion Debbie Shipley to give $100 towards the Second Harvest for its Diabetes Program. The motion was seconded by Lion Brian and voted on. The motion was passed.
Lion Ed Gibbons read a letter from a lady requesting help with shipping cost to ship goods of food and school supplies to the needed in the Philippines. Lion Ed Gibbon recommended to the board that the club assist the lady with the shipping cost. The motion was passed.
There was no new business for discussion.
Next regular meeting is January 21st, 2020. Next broad meeting is January 28th, 2020.
With no further business for discussion, the meeting was adjourned by President Brian Powell.
At your service,
Doris Kaifa-Secretary