Febuary 7th, 2013 meeting notes

Regular meeting of the Johnson City Lions Club held February 7th, 2013 at the Johnson City Country Club, Johnson City, TN 37604

(15 members present, 3 guests)

Lions club president John Merriss opened the meeting at 12:25 noon on Feb 7, 2013.

Lion Ed Gibbons said the prayer, with Billy Pike leading the pledge.

Activity volunteer hours for Jan 2013 were reported. Thanks for all those hours fellow lions.

Lion CB Willis reported on the Kids Sight screenings which have been so successful the first two months of 2013. Approximately 66 children have been Tested. More to come in the next few months Lion CB reports, he will email times and places for sign up.

Lion Steve Campbell wins drawing for Tail Twister money and donated the whole $6.25 to the Turtle Derby.

Lion Ken Gouge’s guest, Justin Mitchell, and Brandon’s guest, Ryan Burkley attended the meeting. These fine young men are planning to be doctors and are both potential members who may be coming on board soon.

Jerry  Lonon  presented guest speaker Eva Hunter with the City of Johnson City, Keep JC Clean (dept of recycling) spoke on JC plans for new recycle programs in the works. She noted JC was the state’s shining star for recycling. 172 million pounds of recycled trash up to this year. Clean up starts in March thru May, refer to her handout for locations and pick up services.

A letter of appreciation was read by President Merriss concerning new glasses we provided a very thankful man.

RAM (Remote Area Medical) is planning another medical project for the first weekend in May. Help is needed so as many who come to be served. Roll up your sleeves and sign up.

Lion Gouge announced date for Roanoke recycling workday will be April 20 ,2013. Leave Tri-Cities at 6 am returning 6 pm. Help is needed for this project he has 1000 pairs at this time with more to come in before the date.


Lion John Merriss will be endorsing our own Ed Gibbons for First Vice District Governor  in the election at 12N District Convention at the Crown Plaza in Knoxville on Feb. 22 & 23 to 1VDG of District 12N. Lion Gibbons gave a report on  requested endorsements and convention highlights.

Club members bought cards of Get Well to our valued Lion Dennis Powell, keep him in your prayers.

Also, deepest sympathies to Lion Debbie in the loss of her father last week.

We want to thank Lion Jane for arranging our programs for the next few months.


Lion Debbie Merritt

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