February 2nd Meeting Notes

Johnson City Lions Club regular noon meeting notes.  (LCI No. 5093)
Date: Thursday, 02/02/2012

(15 members present – 0 guests)

The meeting was called to order at 12:25 PM by president, King Lion Dr. Steve Campbell who called on PDG Lion Dennis Powell for a prayer of thanks and Lion Dr. Billy Pike to lead the pledge.

 Acting Lion tamer, Lion Sterling Winn, said Lion Pike won the drawing and he, Lion Pike, donated 50% of his winnings to the Turtle Derby and 50% to Sight Conservation before there could be any discussion about the manner in which he won.

 The Secretary asked for a program chair for March and April and Lions Gibbons and Shipley agreed to split those duties – Lion Ed in March and Lion Debbie in  April.

 Lion Gibbons announced his candacity for District Govenor and asked for support from our club at the upcoming District Convention in Knoxville on Saturday, February 18th.  If you can attend, and PDG Lion Powell says we shold have at least 10 Johnson City Lions in Knoxville that day, contact Lion Gibbons, the King Lion or the Secretary; we’ll car/van pool and if we get enough, Lion Lonon will rent a bus. Let’s all go!

Lion Shipley has arranged for Retro Rockit Band to entertain at the Sweetheart Dinner on February 14th.  Festivites will begin at 6:PM with dinner being served in the Lancaster Room at the Country Club at 6:30 sharp. Invatations have been sent to those who responded to the RSVP requests. If you haven’t received an invatation but would like to attend please call Lion Shipley ASAP.

King Lion Dr. Campbell read a very touching, heart breaking letter of thanks from the manager of God’s Corner for the food donations that several Lions arrangned with the IGA store on South Rhone St. Special thanks to Lion Debbie Merritt for her leadership in helping to organize this project.

King Lion introduced today’s speaker, Roger Blakeley the new Johnson City Parks and Recreation . Director who detailed his vision of the next several years with one of our most cherished and valuable assets, the Parks and Rec. department of our fine city government. Roger has all the educational and practial experience needed to do a great and he has a vison of how to do more. Additionally he and his wife love this area and plan to be here a long time.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:51 PM.

Our next regular meeting will be in four weeks: Thursday, March 1, 2012.


Our next Board of Directors Meeting will be next Thursday, February 9th, 2012.


Don’t forget the Saturday, Feb. 18th, District Convention.

/s/ __________

Lion John Merriss


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