College of Medicine Seeking Our Help

Today we were visited by 2nd-year medical student Cale Hildebrand, seeking assistance from our membership.  His statement:


Cale Hildebrand, Quillen College of Medicine

The ETSU Department of Psychiatry for Quillen College of Medicine is looking for healthy volunteers to participate as control subjects in a study on memory, attention, hand-eye coordination, and problem solving.  We need volunteers who would be willing to complete two 3-hour sessions of testing.  As a volunteer, you will complete a series of short computerized tests and watch a flashing light while having an EEG. You will also be asked to complete questionnaires at each session.    

The goal of this study is to evaluate the effects of diabetes on brain function and determine whether hyperbaric oxygen therapy is an effective treatment in improving brain function in diabetics.  In order to conduct this study, we need you, if you are healthy, to represent a control group.  As a control, you will not undergo hyperbaric oxygen treatment at any point during the study.  The process is completely painless and has minimal risk.  There is no cost to you except for your transportation to our study center.  For more information and to see if you qualify for inclusion in this study, please contact:

Susan Wallace at 423-439-7393
Cale Hildebrand at 423-439-7393  Or
Missy Mooney at 423-439-7393


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