Board Meeting – Lions Club – Johnson City

April 14, 2016

The board of the Johnson City Lions Club met for the monthly meeting on April 14, 2016 at the Johnson City Country Club.  Those present were Ken Gough, Mark Fox, Gayle Cox, Don Raines, Tim Tapp, Tom Terry, Steve Campbell, Jerry Lonon, and George Winton.


The meeting was called to order and the motion was made to waive formal reading of the minutes and approve them as presented.  The motion received a second and all were in favor.  The motion passed.

There was no administrative treasurer’s report for this meeting.

Steve Campbell presented the income/expense report and it is attached to these minutes.

Committee Reports and Announcements:

We were reminded that we have an eyeglass recycling bin available for placement and would like to place it in Jonesborough or Unicoi.  At this time no suitable location has been found.

A reminder was also given about the 2016-17 budget process.  Steve  Campbell stated that the committee would work on this and present it next week.  The budget will be voted on in May.

LVBI – will have a board of governors meeting on April 28, 2016.

Ken Gough discussed the fact that Vision Screening needs to be restarted and the committee needs to be “reconstituted”.  It was also mentioned that John Merriss needs to be replaced at the Cheerleader for the Turtle Derby.

We received a letter from LCIF thanking us for the 140.00 for Measles Immunization.

Old Business:

Jim McFarland and the Vision Van have not been scheduled but it is still a possibility.  We will need 20 volunteers and we have applications for screenings/glasses.  It was suggested that Bill Pike take part in the process of scheduling this and that a decision be made in May as to whether or not we can do this in 2016.


Ken Gough reminded us that Lions International is asking every club to carry out a “Legacy Project” in 2017.  We have been in contact with JC Parks and Rec regarding any projects that we could be involved in.  Lion’s Park seems to be the obvious place to begin.


There was no new business to be presented to the board.


Ken Gough adjourned the meeting.

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