April 5th 2012 regular meeting notes

Johnson City Lions Club regular noon meeting notes.  (LCI No. 5093)
Date: Thursday, 04/05/2012

 (16 members present – 1 guest)

 The meeting was called to order at 12:24 PM by president King Lion Dr. Steve Campbell who called on Lion CB Willis to lead the pledge and Lion Ed Gibbons to ask the blessing.

 Lion Tamer Willis introduced the Secretary who introduced his guest Cyndy Erdei.

 Lion Gough reported that over 2000 pairs of glasses were delivered to the Roanoak Recycling Center March 24th by he and Lions Paveglio and Merriss and good work was done by all Lions who attended from District 12-N that day.

 The Secretary reported that the new eye screening camera has arrived. He said that he and Lion Jim Paveglio spent a half a day in Knoxville Wednesday with Lions Jim and Sharon McFarland learning how to do eye screenings. Forty five kids were successfully screened. At least 6 screeners are needed in the Johnson City Club in order to do screenings every week without over scheduling any one or two Lions. Any member who can become a volunteer screener please contact either Lion Willis or Powell.

 King Lion Dr. Steve Campbell read the recenly elected slate of new officers who will began serving their time on May 7th.

John Merriss………………………                  President
Paul Easlic………………………….                   1st. Vice President
Sterling Winn……………………                    2nd. Vice President
George Winton…………………                    3rd. Vice President
Paul Easlic…………………………                    Secretary
Debbie Shipley………………….                    Administrative Fund Treas.
Debbie Shipley……………………                    Projects Fund Treas.
Ken Gough……………………….                     Tail Twister
Jim Paveglio…………………….                      Lion Tamer
Lynda Gochenouer………….                      Lynda Gochenouer
C.B. Willis………………………..                      Special 2-year Director
(Debbie Merritt John VanDreumel are in the 2nd year of their Director   terms)

Lion Gibbons reminded everyone that the reservation deadline to register for the 94th annual MD-12 Lions Convention May 4th -6th is April 20th.  A registration form will be emailed to all members or you can make a copy at the state web site.

King Lion Dr. Campbell introduced today’s program chair, Lion Debbie Shipley who introduced today’s speaker,  Karen Hubbs with the Johnson City Chaamber of Commerce. Karen spoke of many things that are happening in the community with the full support of the Chamber.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:57 PM.

 The next regular meeting will be held in two weeks on  Thursday, April 19th, 2012. STSP

 Next week the Board of Directors will meet.  STSP.

 /s/ __________

Lion John Merriss

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