Johnson City Lions Club regular noon meeting notes. (LCI No. 5093)
Date: Thursday, 03/15/2012
(16 members present – 0 guests)
The meeting was called to order at 12:27 PM by president King Lion Dr. Steve Campbell who called on Lion Mike Tuttle to lead the pledge and Lion Ed Gibbons to ask the blessing.
King Lion Steve Campbell entertained a motion made by Lion Don Raines that Ken Gough be made presiding chair of the meeting. Seconded by Lion Jerry Lion the motion carried unanamously. Lion Gough announced that we are in violation of the Club’s Constitutional requirements reguarding the Election of officers for FYE 2013 and asked for a motion waiving these requirements for this year only, substituting tempory rules.
Lion Ed Gibbons moved that the rules for Election as specified in Article IX of the Constitution of the Johnson City Lions Club be waved for the election of 2012/2013 officers and that the following rules shall apply:
1. The requirements for notice of nominations and elections are waived.
2. Presentation of the nominating committee’s recommended slate of officers, nominations from the floor and election of officers shall all take place at the second regular meeting of March 2012.
3. This waiver shall apply to the 2012/2013 election only.
The welfare of the club requiring it, this motion is agreed to by vote of the general membership of the club.
The motion was seconded by John Van Dreumel and unanimously approved by voice vote of the members present.
Lion Gough announced the following as proposed officers for 2012-2013:
John Merriss………………………………………… President
Paul Easlic……………………………………………. 1st. Vice President
Sterling Winn……………………………………….. 2nd. Vice President
George Winton…………………………………….. 3rd. Vice President
Paul Easlic……………………………………………. Secretary
Debbie Shipley…………………………………….. Administrative Fund Treasurer
Debbie Shipley………………………………………. Projects Fund Treasurer
Ken Gough…………………………………………… Tail Twister
Jim Paveglio…………………………………………. Lion Tamer
Lynda Gochenouer……………………………….. Lynda Gochenouer
C.B. Willis…………………………………………….. Special 2-year Director
(Note – Debbie Merritt John VanDreumel are in the 2nd year of their Director terms)
Lion Gough said that all candidates had agreed to serve and asked for nominations from the floor.
There being none, Lion Gibbons moved that the nominations be closed. Seconded by Lion Raines the motion was unanamously approved by voice vote of the members present.
A motion to elect the candidates named as officers of the Johnson City Lion Club for 2012-2013 by aclamation was made by Lion Gibbons and seconded by Lion Campbell and was unanimously approved by voice vote of the members present.
Lion Gibbons moved that Lion Gough’s temporary chairmanship of the meeting be ended and chairmanship be returned to Lion Steve Campbell. Seconded by Lion Merriss the motion carried unanamously by voice vote of the members present.
Then King Lion Dr. Campbell introduced today’s program chair, Lion Ed Gibbons, who introduced today’s speaker, Chad Bruckman with the Washington County Civil Defense/ EMA Department. Mr. Bruckman (434-6082) who works closely with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and FEMA provided valuable information and several pamphlets about preparing for tornado watches and warnings that, if followed, will save lives and property.
Again Lion Gough said he needs more used eyeglasses to take to Roanoke on the 24th of this month. He said to just drop them off at his company – Accurate Machine Products, 710 W. Walnut (near the Firehouse Restaurant) – before Friday. Also, in addition to those who have signed up for the trip all those who can go please mark that day on your calandar and join the others. It’s not this Saturday but next Saturday, the 24th. We’ll meet at 6AM in the Wal-Mart parking lot in Johnson City (near Murphy gas station).
The meeting was adjourned at 12:58 PM.
The next regular meeting will be in three weeks: Thursday, April 5th, 2012.
/s/ __________
Lion John Merriss