Johnson City Lions Club regular noon meeting notes. (LCI No. 5093)
Date: Thursday, 9/15/2011
(12 members present – 0 guests)
The meeting was called to order at 12:24 PM by president, King Lion Steve Campbell, who called on Lion Clem Wilkes to lead the pledge and Ed Gibbons to ask the blessing.
King Lion Steve asked Lions Powell, Raines, Jerry Lonon, Willis, Winton, Gouge, Easlic and Merriss to step forward. One of the Lions was heard to murmur, “We didn’t mean to do it, just trying to have some fun” as they came forward. Turned out that the King Lion just wanted to award these fine Lions their perfect attendance pens for 2010-2011.
Only four weeks left to sell turtles. So far we don’t have an official count but we do know at least 8 sales have been made; one excited Lion sent an email that said he had made 8 sales and he “was on fire”. It’s time that we all “catch fire” and not only sell sponsorships but report them. Beginning next Wednesday evening please report your accumulative total sponsorship sales to your team captains for the next four Wednesdays so they can report those totals. That way we can get an accurate count and know what we have to do to get to 600. Here are the teams:
Captain Shipley – Fox, Gibbons, Gochenouer, Anderson
Captain Merritt – Easlic, J. Lonon, Winton, Brown, Wilkes
Captain Powell – Winn, McClanahan, J. Vandreumel,
Captain Gough – Willis, Cox, Raines, A Vandreumel,
Captain Merriss – Messimer, Campbell, Pike, Shepherd
Pecans. Speaking of pecans, Lion Willis said we will have plenty of pecans and if we just sell what we ordered we’ll raise $2700.00 or more. He further stated that it’s OK to sell the new nuts even before you sold the old nuts.
Our current Program Chairman, Lion Willis, introduced Alan Bridwell who works for the Planning Board and is the creator and web master for one of Johnson City’s top secret treasurers, Alan proceeded to give everyone present a fascinating history of our fair city from its earliest beginnings back at the end of the 18th century till today complete with hundreds (well a lot anyway) of pictures, drawings and statistics which Mr. Bridwell brought to life. There were even some pictures of the ET&WNC Railroad which we learned stood for Eat Tatters and Wear No Clothes. An awesome program!
Don’t miss our next program and bring a guest or two; Lion Willis is sure to have something special in store.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:01 PM.
Our next regular meeting will be in three weeks: Thursday, October 6
at which time we will only have a week left to sell turtle sponsorships so, as King Lion Campbell said…
John J Merriss