Minutes of regular meeting, April 16, 2015

OF APRIL 16TH, 2015

Since our Secretary was missing on the last meeting of King Lion George’s reign and thus we did not have a report on what happen, here goes.

The pledge was finally started after Lion Ken Gough was able to swallow his mouth full of food and Lion PDG Dennis Powell did the prayer. King Lion George mention that this was his last meeting as President and you should have heard the thunderous applause. Sorry, Lion George you get no credit for being one of our best Lions Club Presidents.

The next meeting on the 7th of May will be installation of the new officers by our own District Governor Ed Gibbons. A statement was announced when the new officers were mention that this is the worst slate of officers we ever had (a statement started by one of our deceased members, Lion Arch Nickles). One of the last things King Lion George did was present a cap embroider with Johnson City Lions Club to every member present. If you come to the next meeting, he might have some left for you absent members. It’s a great looking cap. The next president has a tough act to follow. A nice golf shirt from Ties for the Blind would be nice, incoming President. 

Lion CB Willis had the program and he brought in Dave Ramsey to talk about and show pictures of Rocky Fork in Erwin. It is beautiful and we look forward to its opening.

– Ed Gibbons

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