Johnson City Lions Club Board Meeting Notes (LCI No. 5093)
Date: Thursday, June 12, 2014
The Regular Board Meeting was called to order at 12:27 PM.
The Board Members who have a “P” after their names were in attendance.
President George Winton- P
Immediate Past President Sterling Winn –
1st Vice-President Ken Gough –
2nd Vice President Gayle Cox –
3rd Vice President Steve Campbell – P
Projects Treasurer Ed Gibbons- P
Administrative Treasurer Debbie Shipley-p
Tail Twister Mike Ferguson- P
Lion Tamer Theresa Gibbons –
Secretary John Merriss – P
2 Year Director Lynda Gochenouer-
Special Two Year Director Terry Thomas-
1. Minutes of the last BOD Meeting: The meeting notes from the last BOD meeting were read and approved unanimously.
2. Administrative Treasurer: Lion Debbie Shipley reported total income for May was $815.34 with expenses of $528.03 for a profit of $287.31 and a checkbook balance $4,992.03. Lion Campbell moved to accept the Administrative Treasurer’s reports as written and submitted. King Gibbons seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved
3. Projects Treasurer: Lion Ed Gibbons: from 5/8/2014 to 6/12/2014 – Income, $412.90, expenses, $1913.24 for the same period resulting in a loss of $1500.34 with total Liabilities & Equity of $27,695.15. Lion Shipley moved to accept the Treasurers’ reports as written and submitted. Lion Campbell seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved
4. Membership: The following Lions have missed 4 or more consecutive regular meetings – Gayle Cox, Sam Messimer, Mark Fox and Clem Wilkes
5. Dues: No members are past due.
6. Committee Reports:
Recycling: No report.
Sight Conservation: No report.
Eye Screenings: No report.
Kid Sight Eye screenings: No report.
Turtle Derby: No report. King Lion asked Lion Campbell to negotiate a race date in late October to early or mid November and reminded the Board that it’s getting time to start thinking about and, yes, start selling or at least pre-selling, turtles.
7. Old Business: Lions Shipley and Gibbons offered to contact previous members of the club to see if they would be willing to become the project manager for the building of a home for a blind couple who have already been approved for a Habitat for Humanity house in Washington County. It was noted that the Kingsport Club took on this project for a blind couple in Sullivan County last year so the project manager could most likely get some good advise/help from that individual. Well, anyway it wouldn’t hurt to ask. Also, if the Campus Club was involved in the planning maybe it could become a mentoring project for the University.
Meetings: Lion Shipley suggested that we consider either making one of the regular meetings each month a Thursday evening meeting or making the 4th Thursday a bonus/make-up evening meeting. King Lion said he would bring this ideal up for discussion at the next regular meeting next Thursday.
Lion Campbell passed out the new budget that was approved at last week’s regular meeting.
Lion Gibbons reported that he and Lion Gough are working towards making a recommendation for the formation of an Elizabethton branch club probably in July.
8. New Business: Lion Gibbons moved that one of the Melvin Jones Awards, one of 12 we currently own (more than any other Tennessee club), be donated to the District to give to a club that cannot fund this award at the present time. The motion was seconded by Lion Campbell and passed unanimously. It was noted that there are several deserving Lions who are eligible for the MJA in this Club and King Lion said he will ask the Club VP’s to work on recommending individuals for the reception of this important recognition of service. Also, keep in mind that non- members, people who serve the community, are eligible for this award.
Meeting adjourned at: 12.58 PM.
Next Regular Meeting: Next Thursday, June 19, 2014.
Next Board Meeting: July 10, 2014
/s/ John Merriss