Regular meeting of the Johnson City Lions Club held March 7th, 2013 at the Johnson City Country Club, Johnson City, TN 37604
(13 members present, 3 guests present)
The meeting was called to order at 12:36 PM. VDG Eddy Gibbons asked the blessing and Lion Debbie led the pledge to the flag.
VDG Eddy introduced his guest Adeolu Moronkeji from Nigeria, while Lion CB Willis introduced Lion King John’s guest Robertia.
Lion Tamer Lion CB Willis said there will be a KidsSight screening tomorrow, March 8th, at the Mother Goose day care center.
Lion Steve Campbell presented the slate of officers, and Lion Ken moved to destroy the ballets and accept the slate as presented. Lion Stearling seconded, none opposed.
Lion Jayne introduced the day’s guest speaker Mark Sirois, Johnson City Chief of Police. Chief Sirois spoke about what officers do throughout the community, shed light on the Junior Police Academy, informed about the crime reduction project, and shared with us his priorities as Chief. Chief Sirois can be contacted at .
The meeting was officially adjourned at 1:09 PM.
The next regular meeting will be on March 21st. There will be a board meeting next week, the 14th, STSP.
Submitted by Lion Brandon Johnson.