September 6, 2012 meeting notes

Johnson City Lions Club Regular Noon Meeting Minutes (LCI No. 5093)
Date: Thursday, 9/6/2012


(16 members present – 3 guests)


The meeting was called to order at 12:30 PM by King Lion John Merriss who called on Lion Dr. George Winton to lead the pledge and Lion Tamer CB Willis to ask the blessing.


Lion Tamer CB Willis announced that Lion Sterling Winn had won the drawing with proceeds going to the Turtle Derby.


Lion Tamer CB Willis introduced our three guests: 1) Lion Brandon Johnson, Campbell County, and freshman at ETSU, 2) District Governor, Diane Wilkerson, Powell, TN 3) Edna Longwell, Zone Chair, Kingsport, TN.


There will no Board Meeting next week on September 13, 2012.


Zone Chair for Region 1, Zone 1 (our new zone), Edna Longwell from the Kingsport club explained redistricting and announced the next Zone meeting will be next Tuesday in Kingsport at 2539 East Stone Drive, 6pm $14 per person.


Lion Longwell also presented Lion Jerry Lonnon with the 35 year award, Lions Don Raines and Mark Fox with the 25 year award.  Congratulations!


District Governor Diane Wilkerson wanted to say a big “Thank You” to our club during her official visit as this year’s DG.


The meeting was adjourned at 12:55 PM.


Our next regular meeting will be Thursday September 20, 2012. 


All Lions are invited to the next Board Meeting on Thursday October 11, 2012.




Lion Secretary Paul Easlic

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