Johnson City Lions Club regular noon meeting notes. (LCI No. 5093)
Date: Thursday, 10/6/2011
(13 members present – 0 guests)
The meeting was called to order at 12:22 PM by president, King Lion Steve Campbell, who called on Lion Gayle Cox to lead the pledge and Lion Dennis Powell to ask for the blessing.
Lion Gough reported that we will take 3000 pairs of eye glasses on the RRT (Roanoke Recycling Trip) October 29th. If you want to go, call Ken (928-8134 w or 542-3835 h).
Only one week and one day left to sell turtles. The good news is we have about 387 sponsorship sales as of today. The bad news is we’re 143 short of last year and 243 sort of our goal of 600. Please contact and sell today and tomorrow and send all your sales to King Lion Steve Campbell ( tomorrow so he can get them in the official printed program that will be distributed at the Derby. Then keep on getting sales right up to TD day (October 14th); sales that come in after tomorrow will be printed on an insert page that will be inserted into each program.
If all active Lions will sell 9 more turtles we’ll “get ‘er done” so let’s “just do it”.
Our current Program Chairman, Lion CB Willis, introduced Trevor Southerland, Director of Rehabilitation Services at LVBI as our speaker. Trevor explained the basic plan for the new call center, answered questions and, after the meeting concluded, led us on a tour of the new facility where we saw Lions Lynda Gochenouer and Sparkle and several new employees, trainees and trainers. If you were not able to take the tour plan on getting over there; you’ll be impressed – it’s a state of the art call center and it’s awesome.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:54 PM.
Our next regular meeting will be in two weeks: Thursday, October 20.
Next Board meeting is next week, Thursday, October 13, the day before the Turtle Derby.
Speaking of the Turtle Derby, keep… sellin’… turtles.