Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting Nov. 14, 2013

Johnson City Lions Club Board Meeting Notes (LCI No. 5093)

Date: Thursday, November 14, 2013


The Regular Board Meeting was called to order at 12:28 PM.
The Board Members who have a “P” after their names were in attendance.

President Sterling Winn – P
Immediate Past President John Merriss-P
1st Vice-President George Winton- P
Projects Treasurer Ed Gibbons-P
Administrative Treasurer Debbie Shipley-
Tail Twister Ken Gough-P
Lion Tamer CB Willis- P
Secretary -P


2 Year Director Lynda Gochenouer- P
Special Two Year Director CB Willis- P
Also in attendance were Lions Jane Myron, Steve Campbell and Brandon Johnson

1. Minutes of Business Meeting: The October BOD meeting notes were read and approved unanimously.

2. Administrative Treasurer:No report.

3. Projects Treasurer: Lion Ed Gibbons reported Income of $6,206.50 and expenses of $5,179.24 for a profit of $1,027.26 and Total Liabilities & Equity of $22, 704.98 for 10/11/2013 through 11/14/2013. Lion Campbell moved to accept both Treasurers’ reports as written and submitted. Ken Gough seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.

4. Membership: The following members were dropped from membership: James Lonon by letter of resignation, Glynetta Shepherd, letter of resignation and Ronald Sterbenz, moved.

Committee Reports:

Recycling: Lion Gough announced that he took 3,450 pairs of used glasses to Roanoke and brought back 1200 pairs of glasses for a mission trip. More glasses are coming in already for the next trip in the spring.

Turtle Derby: Lion Winton said all the turtles are in good shape for next year’s event.  Posters need to be printed and distributed earlier if they’re going to do any good.  Ken Gough reported that setup went very smoothly and thanked the new ETSU club for their assistance.

Sight Conservation:  VDG Gibbons said we are running at full capacity and can’t do more without more funds.

Kid Sight Eye screenings:  Lion Willis announced the November eye screenings.

7. Old Business

8. New Business:  King Lion Brandon Johnson of the Campus Club said eight new members from his club are going to Manchester for the learning retreat in January and they need $800.00 which they will get back when they attend. Lion Gough moved to lend them the $800.00 and Lion Campbell seconded. The motion passed unanimously. VDG Gibbons announced that the Elizabethton club is disbanding. Lion Gough offered to service their collection box at the Walmart Store in Elizabethton.

King Lion Winn announced that the Zone meeting being held at Giuseppes Italian Restaurant at 2539 E. Stone Dr. in Kingsport at 5:45 PM on 12/10/2013 will include a meal for $14.00 including tax.

Meeting adjourned at: 12:53 PM.

/s/ John Merriss

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