Johnson City Lions Club Board Meeting Notes (LCI No. 5093)
Date: Thursday, Dec. 12, 2013
The Regular Board Meeting was called to order at 12:20 PM.
The Board Members who have a “P” after their names were in attendance.
President Sterling Winn – P
Immediate Past President John Merriss-
1st Vice-President George Winton- P
Projects Treasurer Ed Gibbons-P
Administrative Treasurer Debbie Shipley-P
Tail Twister Ken Gough-P
Lion Tamer CB Willis-
Secretary – (Ken Gough served as secretary due to the absence of John Merriss)
2 Year Director Lynda Gochenouer-
Special Two Year Director CB Willis-
Also attending were Lions Ann Van Dreumel, Brandon Johnson , Dennis Powell, Jerry Lonon and Clem Wilkes
1. Minutes: The November BOD minutes notes were read and approved unanimously.
2. Administrative Treasurer: Lion Debbie Shipley reported for the period 11/1/13 thru 12/12/13:
Total Receipts $857.50
Total Expenses $1,203.98
Net Deficit $346.48
For the fiscal year to date:
Total YTD Receipts $3,606.30
Total YTD Expenses $4,125.50
Net YTD Deficit $519.20
3. Projects Treasurer: Lion Ed Gibbons reported for the period 11/14/13 thru 12/12/13:
Total receipts $13,365.00
Total expenses $11,031.01
Net surplus $2,333.99
Assets (all cash in bank) $20, 519.41
No outstanding liabilities
For the fiscal year to date (7/1/13 thru 12/12/13):
Total YTD receipts $25,574.81
Total YTD expenses $23,691.82
Net YTD surplus $1,882.99
Without objection, the treasurers’ reports were approved as presented.
4. Membership: No action.
Committee Reports:
Eyeglass Recycling: Lions Gough and Powell reported that the refurbished collection box for the Elizabethton WalMart will be ready by the end of the year. Lion Gough is visiting Elizabethton optometrists to establish relations and set up collections.
Sight Conservation: VDG Gibbons recommended that, in light of the dissolution of the Elizabethton club that we begin considering applications from Carter County and drop Unicoi County. However, to do so, it will be necessary to obtain the services of optometrists in Elizabethton. In fact, more optometrists are needed throughout our service area. Money is available to pay $85 for the glasses and exam. Lion Gough volunteered to contact the optometrists as he sets up recycling.
Zone Meeting: VDG Gibbons reported a successful Zone meeting in Kingsport last Tuesday evening, 12/10/13, with approximately 50 Lions from throughout the Zone in attendance. Wendy Cain made a presentation on leadership.
7. Old Business –
ETSU Club King Lion Brandon Johnson requested a check for his members’ registration expenses to the upcoming Learning Retreat, which will be reimbursed to us after the conference. As this was approved at the previous Board meeting, the Projects Treasurer was directed to issue the check.
8. New Business:
ETSU Club King Lion Brandon Johnson announced that the club will be taking on a diabetes screening project, and will be requesting our help in covering the costs, which are about $1.50 per test. Also, they will asking for help in covering some members’ dues. The Board agreed to consider the requests when made.
The following motion was duly made, seconded and unanimously passed:
The Johnson City Lions Club will henceforth consider eyeglass applications from Carter County. However, action on Unicoi County is to be deferred for future consideration, and the club will continue to accept applications from there.
The following motion was duly made, seconded and unanimously passed:
The Christmas Benevolence account will be donated to God’s Corner.
Lion Winton announced that Salvation Army bell ringing was arranged for the evenings of Tuesday Dec. 17 and Thursday Dec. 19. Ken Gough will email the schedule to the membership.
The following motion was duly made, seconded and unanimously passed:
Upon recommendation of the Membership Committee, Mike Ferguson, 12 Dove Tree Lane, Jonesborough, TN, is approved for membership.
Meeting adjourned at 1:00 PM.
/s/ Ken Gough for Secretary John Merriss