Meeting notes from the 1st regular meeting of the Johnson City Lions Club for May held Thursday, May 2nd , 2015 at the Johnson City Country Club, Johnson City, TN 37601.
(8 members present)
The meeting was called to order at 12:26 PM by King Lion George Winton.
Lion Don Raines led the pledge and PDG Lion Dennis Powell asked the blessing.
King Lion Winton read a thank you note from Lion Theresa Gibbons for the prayers and flowers we sent to her during her recent illness.
Since District Governor was unavoidably absent today (attending an organizational meeting of the newly-reconstituted Elizabethton Lions Club), King Lion Winton announced that formal installation of the new officers would be rescheduled. He then turned the meeting over to new King Lion Ken Gough.
King Lion Gough said this year the emphasis must be on building membership by recruiting younger members. He asked that each Lion bring at least one prospective member each month to a meeting. While older members are very welcome, of course, we need younger blood. He will ask the board to designate the first regular meeting in September as Membership Day.
King Lion Ken also wants to make sure that Lions Linda Gochenouer and Sparkle always have transportation to meetings.
Since the July 2nd meeting is only 2 days before the July 4 holiday, Lion Sterling Winn moved that we cancel the 1st regular meeting in July. That motion was seconded by Lion Winton and passed 6 yes to 2 no.
Lion Merriss has been designated as the June program chairman and Lion Winton for July.
Meeting was adjurned at 12:47 PM.
Respectively submitted 5/7/2015
Lion John Merriss
Next regular meeting is Thursday, May 21st, 2015.
Next Board Meeting will be next Thursday, May 14th, 2015.