Johnson City Lions Club Board Meeting Notes (LCI No. 5093)
Date: Thursday, April 10, 2014
The Regular Board Meeting was called to order at 12:24 PM.
The Board Members who have a “P” after their names were in attendance.
President Sterling Winn- P
Immediate Past President John Merriss-P
1st Vice-President George Winton- P
Projects Treasurer Ed Gibbons-P
Administrative Treasurer Debbie Shipley-
Tail Twister Ken Gough-P
Lion Tamer CB Willis-
Secretary -P
2 Year Director Lynda Gochenouer- P
Special Two Year Director CB Willis-
Also in attendance was Lion Jerry Lonon.
1. Minutes of the last BOD Meeting: The meeting notes from the last BOD meeting were read and approved unanimously.
2. Administrative Treasurer: Lion Debbie Shipley reported total income for March was $713.00. Total expenses were $1126.78 with a checkbook balance $5063.71
3. Projects Treasurer: Lion Ed Gibbons reported Income of $324.96 from 3/13/2014 to 4/10/2014, expenses and exams of $815.00 for the same period resulting in a loss of 490.04 with total Liabilities & Equity of $22,050.43.
Lion Campbell moved to accept both Treasurers’ reports as written and submitted. King Lion Winn seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved
4. Membership: The following members have missed 4 or more consecutive regular meetings – Gayle Cox.
5. Dues: 1 member is two months past due.
6. Committee Reports:
Recycling: Lion Gough announced that the spring trip will be this Saturday, April 12th leaving Johnson City at 6:00AM from Murphy’s Gas at the Wal-Mart parking lot on the east side of Johnson City.
Turtle Derby: No report.
Sight Conservation: Lion Gibbons moved that we purchase a “Spot” camera for eye screenings and either sell or donate the camera we’re using now to another club in the district or to the district itself and that we present this idea at the next regular meeting next Thursday, the 17th for approval. The motion was seconded by Lion Campbell and approved unanimously.
Kid Sight Eye screenings: No report.
7. Old Business: King Lion Winn announced that he will put up the signs for LionPark and bill for them in June.
8. New Business: None brought forward.
Meeting adjourned at: 1:06 PM.
/s/ John Merriss