The Johnson City Lions Club met for the February board meeting on 2/20/2020 at the Johnson City Country Club at 12 noon. Those in attendance were; Gayle Cox, Clem Wilkes, Steve Campbell, Tim Tapp, Debbie Shipley, Doris Kaifa, George Winton, Ken Gough, David Beerman, and Jerry Lonon. Carolyn Rhinehardt from the Dandridge Lions club was also present as a guest.
President Debbie Shipley called the meeting to order and asked Lion Tim Tapp to open with a prayer. Lion President Debbie shared some announcements:
- A thank you card was received from 2nd Harvest Food Bank for our $250 donation for diabetic food boxes.
- A thank you card was received from Isaiah 1:17 for the $500 donation to their work.
- The Leadership Convention will be held in Louisville this year. See Lion Debbie if you are interested in more information. You can also check out the website by googling USA/Canada Leadership Forum.
- We are needing nominees for Lion of the Year and Lion of the Decade for the District. If you have suggestions see Tim Tapp for Lion of the Year and Ed Gibbons for Lion of the Decade.
Ken Gough shared the Projects and Admin reports. The Turtle Derby receipts are slightly behind but catching up. The admin fund has $6,891. Ed Gibbons made the motion to accept the reports and George Winton provided the second to the motion. The motion carried. It was noted that the purchase of the camera was moved to miscellaneous expense.
Tim Tapp presented the minutes of the last meeting. Lion Ken Gough made the motion to accept and Steve Campbell provided the second. the motion carried.
Old Business: Ken and Steve have not had a chance to look at financials for dues structure.
New Business: The District Convention is this weekend.
The Eyeglass Recycling trip to Roanoke is coming up in April. If the situation in storing glasses and shipping them to be used is not improved we may start sending our glasses somewhere else or find other ways to use the glasses. Each Lion is encouraged to consider taking at least one trip to assist with the recycling.
With no further business to come before the board the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tim Tapp – Secretary