Meeting notes from the 2nd regular meeting of the Johnson City Lions Club held Thursday, September 18, 2014 at the Johnson City Country Club, Johnson City, TN 37604
(11 members present and 1 guest)
The meeting was called to order at 12:26 PM by King Lion George Winton.
After the prayer led by DG Lion Ed Gibbons and the pledge led by a good Lion we were underway.
Ed Henley won the drawing and gave it all to the Turtle Derby.
Lion CB Willis said we have two ways we can sell pecans this year – either 12 oz. bag for $9.00 or a 16 oz. bag for $10.00. Let CB know ASAP if you prefer the bigger bag or the smaller bag. He has to know what the majority prefers. The 16 ounce bag is the better deal.
King Lion George reported that $35,000.00 worth of merchandise was sold by the Ties for the Blind Foundation at the USA/Canada Leadership Forum in Puerto Rico.
Our speaker today was Dr. Judaun Allison, a former member of this Club, who reported on a mission trip she and her husband and daughter took in May to Uganda, Africa
Meeting adjourned at 1:05 PM
Lion John Merriss
Remember – sell Turtles. We only have 5 weeks left to get 427 sales!!!!!
Next regular meeting October 2nd
Next Board meeting, Thursday, October 9th.