Meeting Notes – Nov. 6, 2014 Regular Meeting

Meeting notes from the 1st regular meeting of the Johnson City Lions Club held Thursday, November 6, 2014 at the Johnson City Country Club, Johnson City, TN 37604

(8 members physically present and the rest, hopefully, were out selling turtles.)

The meeting was called to order at 12:26 PM by King Lion, George Winton.

After PDG Dennis Powell gave the prayer and the Secretary the pledge we were off to the races; the turtle races!!!
Nobody won the drawing; all the money goes to the Turtle Derby.

Lion Gough announced that he took 3109, not 3108 or 3110 but 3109 pairs of glasses to the Recycling Center last Saturday in the snow and ice. In addition to himself 4 young ladies from the Campus club and yours truly also made the trip. Lion Ken also said “you really are missing something good if you don’t go”. Lion Buffalo, who was cursing the Caribbean that day, took issue with that statement.

At the 2nd regular meeting this month Lion Ken will have collection boxes with him if you know of any commercial establishment with repeat customers (doctor/dentist offices, beauty/barber shops, etc.) he’ll give you one or more as needed so that you can help collect glasses for this important service project.

Lion Gough also volunteered to be the program chair at the 2nd regular meeting this month and he’ll have someone of great stature give a report on one of the most successful community undertakings of the century – the Tweetsie Trail.

Lion Willis got sick and couldn’t make it but he wants you to know that the pecans will be in Monday or Tuesday.

Well, only 3 hours left to sell turtles! Bring your late sales to the dome tonight and somehow Lion Campbell will get them in the racing program. That Lion Steve is a wonder isn’t he!!!!

Well this is it. It looks as if we’re not going to get to 500 or even 400 sponsorships this time but we’ll still have 10 races and all who come will have a wonderful time, especially us. Needless to say all Lions and their spouses and their grandchildren and their friends are needed tonight at 6:30 PM for the Derby. Four or five Lions are needed for set up at 5:00 PM. Y’all come.

Thanks for a great effort!

Meeting adjourned at 12:52 PM

Lion John Merriss

Board meeting next Thursday, November 13th.

Final November regular meeting Thursday, November 20th, 2014.

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