Meeting notes from the 2nd regular monthly meeting of the Johnson City Lions Club for JANUARY, 2016 held Thursday, Jan. 21st at the Johnson City Country Club, Johnson City, TN 37601.
(9 members present)
The meeting was called to order at 12:25 PM by our president, Lion Ken Gough.
PDG Lion Dennis Powell won the drawing and donated the money to the Pecan undraiser.
Lion Jerry Lonon led the pledge and our newest Lion, Reverend Tim Tapp asked for the blessing.
King Lion Gough ask that all JC Lions think about two needs coming from LCIF and bring their ideas, along with two or three guests, to the first meeting in February and be ready to discuss them. Here are the actions needed:
- A monetary contribution from this club to help Christian refugees seeking asylum in Europe from terrorist counties where they and their families are in danger of being killed
- A onetime (most likely) community project that the JCLC can undertake in 2016 and 2017 to celebrate the 100th year of the Lions Clubs which was founded in Chicago in 1917.
- PDG Lion Ed Gibbons said he will be attending the 12N district convention in Oak Ridge on Friday, Feb. 19th and selling TFTB foundation merchandize. Lion Ed would welcome other JCLC members who would like to ride along and help. Contact Ed at or (423) 914- 9993 to sign up.
The current club secretary announced that he is resigning effective January 31st due to his impending marriage on the 30th of this month and his subsequent move to the Nashville area where he will undoubtedly continue to serve in a Lions Club club there. Thanks for keeping him (me) around for almost 17 years. I will miss y’all. Keep this good “thing” of ours going.
The final order of business was a happy, most deserved one; the presentation of the Melvin Jones award to Lion Billy Pike. Lion Billy has served this club and the less fortunate not only here in this community, but may other others in these Appalachian mountains for many years. Thanks Billy for all your good work. The money that comes with this award will be used to help even more people.
Next Regular Meeting will be Thursday, February 4th, 2016.
Next Board Meeting will be held Thursday, February 11th, 2016.
District Convention – Friday and Saturday, Feb. 19th and 20th 2016 in Oak Ridge.
Respectively submitted 1/21/2016
Lion John Merriss
The meeting adjourned at 12:57 PM