Meeting notes from the 1st regular meeting of the Johnson City Lions Club for SEPTEMBER held Thursday, Sep. 3rd at the Johnson City Country Club, Johnson City, TN 37601.

Meeting notes from the 1st  regular meeting of the Johnson City Lions Club for SEPTEMBER held Thursday, Sep. 3rd at the Johnson City Country Club, Johnson City, TN 37601.

(12 members present)

The meeting was called to order at 12:23 PM by our PRESIDENT – KING LION Ken Gough.

Long lost but now he’s found Lion, Mike Tuttle  led the pledge and PDG, Lion Dennis Powell, let the prayer.

There were no guests and there was no drawing.


Lion C.B. Willis announced that he has now scheduled 4 city schools for KidSight eye screenings, two of which will be done in September. A volunteer is needed to operate the camera and help out with the paperwork. Free training!


Lion Steve Campbell moved that the second August meeting be cancelled because many of the regular Lions who attend meetings will be going to the US-Canada Forum that week. Seconded by Lion George Winton the motion carried after discussion.


Today’s meeting was the official kick off of the 64th JCLC Turtle Derby. PDG Lion Ed Gibbons announced that we will hold the Derby this year at the Carter Recreational Center on Watauga Ave. on Friday, Nov. 13th at 7PM. In addition to setting a goal of selling 500 turtle sponsorships this year it was decided to do the following to help make this great traditional fundraiser more successful this year:


  • Get more good press/media coverage before and on the night of the TD. Lion Don Raines has, as he always does, agreed to lead in this effort.
  • Get new tickets with the date and time details printed up for distribution to the city schools and pre-schools a couple of weeks before the Derby. (The old tickets can be used for walk ins)
  • PDG Gibbons will make sure the Carver center has enough tables for the track and prize display.


The Program chair for October is Lion Tom Terry.


PDG Lion Gibbons said he has a few tickets for a BBQ fundraiser being held by the Elizabethton club on Saturday September the 26th at the Old Barn Restaurant, 440 Okolona Rd., for $15.00 a person. Get ‘em while they’re hot.


The meeting adjourned at 12:53 PM to enthusiastic cries of “Sell Turtles”




Don’t forget these important upcoming events:


The semi-annual eyeglasses recycling trip Sat. the 24th of Oct. 

(Volunteers needed)

Multi District meeting – Club Hotel, Nashville, Friday and Saturday, November 6th and 7th


            District meeting – LVBI headquarters in Morristown on Sat, November 14th


                District Convention  – Friday and Saturday, Feb. 19th and 20th 2016 in Oak Ridge.


Exact times and places details will be provided in future meeting notes and reminders.



Respectively submitted 9/4/2015

Lion John Merriss



Next Board Meeting will be next Thursday, September 10th, 2015.



Next regular meeting is Thursday, October 1st, 2015. Bring a prospective new member. 2 if you’re behind.



Start selling and keep selling turtles!!!!

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