June 21, 2012 meeting notes

Johnson City Lions Club Regular Noon Meeting Minutes (LCI No. 5093)
Date: Thursday, 6/21/2012

(16 members present – 2 guests)

The meeting was called to order at 12:34 PM by King Lion John Merriss who called on Lion Gayle Cox to lead the pledge and Past District Governor Dennis Powell to ask the blessing.

Lions Gayle Cox and Jerry Lonon introduced their guests.

Lion CB Willis announced Lion Ann Vandreumel had won the drawing with proceeds going to the Leader Dog Fund.

Lion CB Willis was named Lion Tamer with Lion Sterling Winn assisting.

Vice District Governor Ed Gibbons announced the BIGGEST meeting in club history will take place on Thursday July 5th everyone is encouraged to attend.

Vice District Governor Ed Gibbons read a moving letter from an eyeglasses recipient.

Lion Ken Gough encouraged everyone to make the Roanoke trip on Nov. 3.

King Lion John Merriss presented the budget for 2012-2013 and it was approved.

Lion CB Willis announced that some of the Kids Sight screenings would be performed by non-Lions, this was approved.

 King Lion John announced that if anyone wanted to volunteer for 18U softball tournament they should contact Lion Clem Wilkes.

Lion George Winton was recognized for his great work on the You Tube Video for the Turtle Derby.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:55 PM.

Our next regular meeting will be Thursday July 5, 2012. 

All Lions are invited to the next Board Meeting on July 12, 2012. 

Lion Secretary Paul Easlic


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