Johnson City Lions Club Board Meeting Notes (LCI No. 5093)
Date: Thursday, 6/14/2012
The Regular Board Meeting was called to order at 12: PM by King Lion John Merriss.
The Board Members who have a “P” after their names were in attendance.
President John Merriss-P
Immediate Past President Steve Campbell-P
1st Vice-President Paul Easlic-P
2nd Vice-President Sterling Winn-P
3rd Vice-President George Winton-P
Secretary Paul Easlic-P
Projects Treasurer Ed Gibbons-P
Administrative Treasurer Debbie Shipley-P
Tail Twister Ken Gouge-P
Lion Tamer Jim Paveglio-
2 Year Director Lynda Gochenouer-
(2nd Year of Two Year) John Vandreumel-P
(2nd Year of Two Year) Debbie Merritt-
Special Two Year Director CB Willis-
Also in attendance were Lions Jerry Lonon, Ann Vandreumel, Don Raines, and Sam Messimer.
Minutes of Business Meeting:
1. The minutes from the Last board Meeting held on May 10, 2012 were read and approved.
Treasures’ Reports:
2. Projects Treasurer:
Income $2,193.80 Expenses $2,594.90 Loss $401.10 Total Liabilities and Equity $21,480.01
3. Administrative Treasurer:
Income $2,762.54 Expenses: $564.61 Profit $2,197.93 Total Liabilities and Equity $4,994.06
4. As required in Article VI in the Club’s constitution the secretary reported that the following active Lions have missed the past four consecutive meetings or more without makeup: Janice McClanahan, Gayle Cox, and James Lonon.
5. As required in Article VI in the Club’s constitution Membership Director Lion Steve Campbell reported that no members are in arrears.
6. Committee Reports:
Public Relations: No Report.
Eyeglasses Recycling: Lion Gough reported the Roanoke trip is set for November 10th.
Membership and Retention: No Report.
Programs: We have chairs through December. January-May will be filled later.
Sight Conservation: The next Kids Sight screening is set for Wednesday June 27th at First United Melodist Church, 900 Spring Street, at 9 am.
Budget and Finance: Lion Campbell an Gibbons presented the budget for 2012-2013. Tail Twister fund will be reduced to $150.00, Billing, Postage; Supplies will be reduced to $1,450.00, making Total Expenses $12,950.00. PASSED
Turtle Derby: No Report
Zone Meeting: No Report.
Lions Signs: No Report.
Membership: No Report.
New Member Training: No Report.
Health and Welfare: No Report.
Nuts and Bolts: No Report.
Conventions and Training: No Report.
Kid’s Sight Vision Screenings: The next Kids Sight screening is set for Wednesday June 27th at First United Melodist Church, 900 Spring Street, at 9 am.
Little League: No Report.
Pecans: No Report.
LCIF: No Report.
7. Old Business: None
8. New Business:
Jim Paveglio’s resignation was accepted.
Lion Gough thanked the club for its $150 donation to the American Diabetes Association’s Tour de Cure, and also thanked the members who made private donations.
King Lion on behalf of Lion Clem Wilkes requested volunteers for USA/ASA Softball 18U tournament at Wing Dear Park, members need to volunteer on the their own not as a club.
Lion Winton any interest in sponsoring a camper. Next meeting individual contributions will be accepted.
King Lion Merriss recommends a membership luncheon. He will form a committee and organize it for sometime this fall.
Meeting was adjourned at 1:00.
Respectfully submitted June 14, 2012.
Paul Easlic, Secretary