The Johnson City Lions Club met for its regular meeting on Thursday August 5th, 2021, at 12 noon at the Johnson City Country Club. Present at the meeting were King Lion Steve Campbell (President), District Governor Paulette Bailey, Lion Debbie Shipley, Lion Ed Gibbon, Lion Judy Vanlandingham, Lion Chaitra Bommegowda, Lion Judaun Alison, Lion George Winton, Lion Ken Gough, Lion Steve Campbell, Lion Charles Green, Lion Carolyn Rinehart, visiting Lion from Dandridge, Lion Steven Brown and Lion Doris Kaifa (Secretary).
The meeting was called to order by President Steve Campbell. Lion Ed Gibbon led the opening prayer. Prayer was offered for Don Raines and all members. President Campbell asked Lion Ed Gibbon to introduce his guest. Lion Ed Gibbons Introduced Lion Steven Brown who is transferring from the Dandridge Lions Club to the Johnson City Lions Club. Also, visiting was Lion Carolyn Rinehart from the Dandridge Lions club. Lion Carolyn announced and passed out applications for their upcoming 42nd Annual Charity Golf Tournament, set for Saturday September 11th, 2021.
Lion Debbie announced that the club won 3rd place in the District Raffles draw. Which means the club made $212.50 from tickets sales for commission and $100 toward a Melvin Jones Award.
Lion Debbie Shipley announced that the Erwin Lions Club is now a charter club with 26 members. Their first fundraising project is a garage sale which is set for September 3rd in Erwin. District Governor Paulette will be visiting the club. More update to follow.
Lion Ken Gough announced the drawing was won by Judaun Alison. She donated the money to the Turtle Derby. Lion George Winton announced that the Turtle Derby will be in October. More information to follow. Lion Ed Gibbons announced that pecans will be ordered around the first of October. More information to follow. Lion Ed Gibbons Introduced the District Governor, Paulette Bailey.
District Governor Paulette Bailey thanked the Johnson City Club for doing amazing things and all the hard work and effort in making the Erwin club a reality. She indicated how proud she is of the club for sponsoring four (4) other clubs.
Governor Paulette said she would like to recognize our newest Lions and the longest-serving Lion. She recognized Lion Dennis Power for 65 years of service. She donated two collected pins including her special district pin to the club. The Governor also highlighted the following:
*Current membership fees of $35 is waived through December.
* The district approved 3 different scholarships to all Lions, Learning opportunity
* Scholarships for US/Canada Forum
* Food packing schedule for December in Sevierville
* October 23rd is cabinet meeting
* Encourage the club to apply for the “Club Excellence Award”
*Convention is February 18 and 19 In Knoxville/ Holiday Inn.
The club voted and donated $1000 toward White Cane Day.
President Steve Campbell gave the governor a yellow Lion T-shirt as a gift from the club.
The budget for 2021-2022 was voted upon and approved by the body.
The meeting ended with a group photo with the Governor.
With no further business for discussion the meeting was adjourned by the President, King Lion Steve Campbell.
At your Service,
Doris Kaifa-Secretary